JUAN O SAVIN- Very High Strangeness PRAY!- Meri Crouley 8 21 2024

5 months ago

Clipped to eliminate the Ads full program with Meri here: https://rumble.com/v5bz4rx-juan-o.-savin-on-dnc-convention-royals-and-prince-william-deep-state-must-w.html I think this covers the most important topics for the day. It is real Juan with real topics including the information he has shared before by Kal Dani and his work with numbers and very deep connection behind the "Occulted Prince Will-I-Am" which when you see what this means it is the "I AM that I AM" that was Satan's purpose to be AS GOD. Here is the website: https://kaldanis.blogspot.com/2020/11/prince-william-supernatural-destiny.html The title of the Article is Supernatural Destiny - Antichrist - Messiah and Very High Strangeness and the title picture describes how "strange" this really is.
Juan also covers some high strangeness with the DNC Convention and then the Breaking the Eight. Both of these relate to the Basphomet ceremonies and of course the absolute travesty of the "mobile abortion clinic". All of this highlighted with glee from the Communist/Socialist/Democratic Party. That has lost their minds and put a dagger in the hearts of America. They may sound nice but what this is as Juan says ..is not THEM it is PEOPLE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE NAMES OF. The complete idiocy of the recent events should make everyone sick to their stomach. Regards of your Belief system you better align with GOD.. it is the great winnowing. And Juan has a PRAYER at the END. We MUST fight off EVIL because it is all exposed now for everyone to see. And if you don't see it and are actually READING THIS.. put down your cell phone or device. Take TWO GIANT STEPS backwards. FIND A CHAIR. PUT your head between your legs...
AND KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE. That is all. Peace out.

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