St Louis Secrets- Part 10- Quarry Connection to Illuminati Beer Trafficking Tunnels

6 months ago

Bussen Underground is an underground warehouse in a quarry next to the Mississippi River in south St Louis. Excellent hub for shipping. The space is used by multiple companies, but this video looks deeper into just one.. Lohr Distributing.

Lohr Distributing is the exclusive distributor of Anheuser-Busch products for St Louis. Why is their storage warehouse so far away from their brewery?

Lohr Group is also the name of a company based in France who's a global leader in innovative improvements to the shipping process. Connected?

From my other videos, we heard more details about St Louis being built on beer caves & Anheuser Busch becoming the only brewery still open in St Louis by 1977.

Illuminati origins match Anheuser Busch origins, as well as the logo.

The other top brewery in St Louis before Prohibition (law that banned alcohol), Lemp (with a known underground tunnel system/cave), suddenly sold their empire to the International Shoe Company right before Prohibition. Another location of the International Shoe Company is the City Museum in StL. Down the street from the City Museum was once the entrance to Uhrig’s Cave, one of the most popular underground beer gardens in the country. Both with underground railroads.

Next to the entrance of the City Museum is a pizza restaurant surrounded by reptile sculptures with an underground garage & and sign with a reptile connected to a human eating pizza with a kid (that you can’t find on Google search).


Ally Carter describes being trafficked as a child in "containers" (more clips in part 1)

Unlabeled photos from &

For more evidence to support my claims, watch my other videos at or the ones deemed appropriate by TikTok @jddabug1

1. Are Trafficking Tunnels Real? Ally Carter, victim/survivor, speaks
2. Underground to the Beer Caves & Illuminati Trafficking Tunnels (St Louis Caves, Anheuser-Busch & Lemp Breweries)
3. Anheuser-Busch & the Underground Railroad
4. Beer Gardens & a Shoe Company, a cover for bootlegging during Prohibition
5. City Museum Connection to Trafficking Tunnels
6. PizzaGate Connection to St Louis City Museum
7. Forgotten Chicago Tunnels
8. The Big City Connection
9. Who is part of it? (History of Freemasons, International Brotherhood of Teamsters- Union)
10. Who can help? (#AllysArmy #DutyBound #SaveTheChildren #90sNationNews & you!)
11. Tips & maps if you are trying to find the tunnels
12. Ever Seen a Sewer Like This?
13. Satanic & Sexual Art at the children’s museum?
14. Lemp's Haunted Tunnels
15. My Washington DC Discovery
16. The Utility Tunnel Connection

Why is it so difficult to find info about the caves AB was built on?

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