Monkeypox is actually one of the side effects of the COVID vaccine

6 months ago

08/20/2024 German doctor Wolfgang Wodarg exposed that Monkeypox is actually one of the side effects of the COVID vaccine, shingles. The typical clinical manifestation of shingles is blisters and situational pain, similar to monkeypox. This is a new scheme made up with the COVID vaccine for profit, which scares us again.
#Monkeypox #COVIDVaccineSideEffects #Shingles #Intimidation #Scheme

08/20/2024 德国医生Wolfang Wodarg 揭露猴痘其实是 COVID 疫苗的副作用之一带状疱疹。带状疱疹的典型临床表现就是长水泡并伴有剧烈疼痛,与猴痘非常相似。这是在用新冠疫苗副作用来编造新的骗局牟利,并再次恐吓我们。
#猴痘 #新冠疫苗副作用 #带状疱疹 #恐吓 #骗局

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