The best first message to send for online dating

6 months ago

You’re quickly swiping left on profile after profile, then one catches your eye.
She’s a knock out, but she doesn’t look like an instagram THOT, she’s different, she has more going on than just her looks.
You click on her and actually spend some time reading her profile, looking at every picture she posted for more details and insight on who she is, and what’s she’s all about. A few of the things you notice make you like her even more.

As you swipe right inside you say a little prayer to yourself, “I hope I hear from this one”, and then boom, IT’S A MATCH!

But now what???

That first message can blow you out, or be the start of your guy’s story.
You better not screw it up…

You can’t just message her “hi”, but you also don’t want to look like a stalker and send her a giant message with everything you noticed about her from her profile.

So what do you do?

Send some sneaky, super intricate, open looped, NLP/PUA routine that you perfectly crafted?


Can it just be something super simple, that you can use again and again, and works even better?

Well, I test it ALL, and the best 1st message I ever used was this one.

It’s simple, easy, and you know right away where you stand with her.

I used it in person, I used it during the day, at night, in bars and clubs, and in the line at Chipotle…

Then I started using it with online dating and it worked even better
-which makes sense, the women are single online, wishing they can meet a cool guy, whereas in real life you are rolling the dice hoping she is single and looking.

The other great thing about this line is if it doesn’t work, that means your profile stinks, which is priceless feedback.
Unless you don’t know what needs to be fixed…
I can help-

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