THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Part 43: Following Jesus

5 months ago

Jesus shared He would be arrested and murdered by the Kabbalistic leadership. This news deflated the disciples when they realized that the doctrine taught by the Jewish leadership would not be fulfilled. This is why Judas Iscariot later tried to provoke Jesus into action.

Even after the resurrection, the apostles still yearned for the Kabbalistic dream. They loved Jesus as a teacher and healer, but they also desired a return of the golden age of Israel. They had a hard time reconciling the message of denying self and taking up a cross.

How could laying down your life be the secret to life? The words of Jesus did not fit their nationalistic worldview, hence the reason for Peter’s rebuttal when the God-man shared details of His coming death.

Nevertheless, the Kingdom of God arrived with the resurrection and its full manifestation was evident on day of Pentecost when the church was born in a baptism of fire.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1942 -- DECEMBER 24, 2023

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