The Battle of the Beams

7 months ago

The Battle of the Beams

Database info:

During World War II, the Germans aimed to destroy the Rolls-Royce factory in Derby, England, which was crucial for war production. Due to effective British air defenses, they could not attack during the day and opted for night raids.
German engineers developed a system using two radio beams transmitted from towers in Germany. The beams intersected over the target, allowing bombers to navigate accurately without visual cues.
The argument is that the radio beams were line-of-sight transmissions, implying they traveled in straight lines. How could the beams have reached Derby if the Earth were curved? The curvature would supposedly obstruct the beams.
Frequency and Propagation: The beams operated at frequencies (30-33 MHz) near the threshold for skywave propagation, which involves bouncing signals off the ionosphere. Skywave propagation would not provide the precision needed for the bombing, as it would alter the beams' paths.
Using an Earth Curve Calculator, the curvature would cause a significant drop in the beams' path, making it impossible for the planes to receive the signals if the Earth were a globe.
The successful use of the beams indicates a flat Earth, as the beams would not have worked on a globe with a 3,959-mile radius.

Taboo Conspiracy
Flat Earth Fact #11 - German Bombing Beams Proved the Earth is Flat

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