Enterprise level Fairy/Pixie Airport Construction with multiple runways and terminals.

1 month ago

Skunk Hollow Rose Gardens
“Fairies and Pixies expect both a Pristine and Predator-Free environment with nothing but the finest amenities or they will not book.”
-Skunk Hollow Food and Beverage Director

Skunk Hollow Rose Gardens winter round table proposal for attracting more Fairies and Pixies:
“Minimum amenity requirement standard for a 1 Fairy/Pixie dual occupancy Suite:
All Fairy and Pixie Suites offer Unchallenged views of both the Garden A Rose and Delphinium Lupine Multi-Campus and the Entirety of the Skunk Hollow Rose Gardens Area 32 Hybrid Tea Rose Feature. Be Enveloped by 5 purposely designed and Internationally Welcoming Fairy and Pixie Landing Strips each accommodating 2,000 “Peaceful” Begonia’s per Flower Bed.
24/7 Un-softened High Mineral elevated calcium patented formula, “Wing Strengthening!” well water sprinkling is Now available Throughout the entire Chain of Lucile Ball Rose Beds and associated Petunia colonies.”

Fairies and Pixies only Party so if there is no larger gathering taking place they naturally gravitate back to the airport. This is why 24/7 Flower Features were implemented at the Skunk Hollow Rose Gardens in 2022.

“We are now and have been for the past two years the most advanced and forward-looking tourist and leisure gaming destination for Partying Pixies and Fairies Globally.”
-West Michigan Wastelands Flower Authority

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