Friday Islamic Sermon, Unity and Faith

7 months ago

A Call to Action,Brothers and sisters, let us leave here today with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. Let us not be mere spectators to the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Let us be active participants in the struggle for justice and liberation. Let us remember that Allah (SWT) is with those who are patient, those who are united, and those who strive in His cause.

May Allah (SWT) guide us, protect us, and unite us in His service.

Wa akhiru da'wana anil hamdu lillahi Rabbil 'alamin.

And our final prayer is that all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds.

Friday Islamic Sermon, Unity and Faith , the holy Quran , God is the greatest, Allah lord of all worlds, one God , God is one, omar samson, free humanity , 2024

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