TAG Dropout :: Ep 5 - Carnivore Diet Week 1, Brian Tracy, Passive Income Streams, Sean Dollwet

6 months ago

Hello again, friends! In today's episode I talk about my experiences being on #CARNIVORE_DIET for one week so far. All carb cravings are gone, bloating has diminished, the pain in my lower right abdomen has lessened, and all good things so far! :) I also discuss a little about my career journey, graduating from Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo, IA with my AAS degree, then worked at Radio Shack and Mattel Interactive, and how I had a brief stint selling Kirby vaccum cleaners at age 19. I discuss some motivational figures like Brian Tracy, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and a YouTuber I just discovered named Sean Dollwett who teach how to succeed with self-publishing passive income on Amazon KDP.

Eric - 2024-08-23

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Thank you for supporting this channel, and I hope some of the tidbits and morsels that I share can you in your journey to a blessed life!

God Bless you and Keep You!

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