Pelosi Says Trump Is A Threat To Democracy 'Of A Kind We Have Not Seen'

6 months ago

Posted • August 23, 2024: So much for turning down the temperature. It's only been a little over a month since a would-be assassin shot Donald Trump in the ear. And President Joe Biden claimed that all the violent rhetoric had come from the Right — this from the guy who wished he could take Trump behind the gym and teach him some manners (and was given a pair of boxing gloves by sycophant Chris Matthews). Nancy Pelosi was on MSNBC talking to Andrea Mitchell — how much worse could it get — and Pelosi reminded us again that it would be the end of democracy if Trump were reelected. He'd undo all that Abraham Lincoln had done. Pelosi says that defeating President Trump is the equivalent of defeating the British and the Confederacy because he's a "threat to democracy of a kind we have not seen." Only been a little over a month since the guy was nearly assassinated btw. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Pelosi Says Trump Is a Threat to Democracy ‘Of a Kind We Have Not Seen’

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