Activists Calling For Argentina Zoo To Release Orca From Tiny Tank He's Been Trapped In For Decades

5 months ago

Posted • August 23, 2024: Activists are calling on Mundo Marino aquarium in Argentina to release a 35-year-old orca who has been confined to a small tank since 1992. The orca, Kshamenk, stares at the gate of the tank for "24 hours a day." Kshamenk's tankmate died in 2000 meaning he has been all alone for 24 years. Orcas are highly social animals that need interaction with each other. "We continue to work with Argentinian activists and members of Congress to try to highlight and address his cruel world," a spokesperson for UrgentSeas said. "He needs to be removed from his tiny concrete tank and to join other members of his species before it's too late."

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