Anti-Zionist Jew Vs. Rudy Rochman

6 months ago

At Berkeley University we came across a group of Jewish students active in movements against Jewish liberation and empowerment. It may not make much sense on a surface level that Jewish students stand so firmly against the interest of their own people, but there are many factors which play a role in leading them to their conclusions.

1) Misinformation - Today in intellectual and politically active spaces there is a large amount of misinformation that demonizes, delegitimizes, and holds double standards to the Jewish people and Israel. Blood libels, false information, information taken out of context, or manipulation of information has become the norm in such spaces which causes many individuals to come to false conclusions.

2) Disconnected identity - There are around 5.4 million Jews in America and studies show that assimilation rates are around 60-80%. Most Jews living in America do not have a proper understanding of their own identity, history, narrative, or a deep enough connection to their collective and homeland. If one does not know or value who they are, then why would they feel the need to stand up for their identity or collective’s aspirations when under attack?

3) Never learning about Palestinians - Although Jewish education does not teach their youth to hate Palestinians, it fails to educate them about the nuances in the conflict and transmitting a valid comprehension of what Palestinian identity is, what suffering they go through, or what aspirations they have. When they discover those nuances it causes many to feel betrayed or lied to, and as a reaction turn against their own community.

4) Pro-Palestinians students are forced to be anti-Israel - Many Jewish students who are aware of the struggles Palestinians go through truly want to help their cousins and become activists for their cause. However, the only outlet that exists on campuses that offers a way for one to fight for Palestinians are those that are obsessed with delegitimization, demonization, and the destruction of Israel/Jewish self-determination. Why are there no groups on campuses that are pro both peoples and seek to bring these populations together, rather than investing time and energy in dividing and using suffering to attack the other.

5) Social pressure - Judaism is based on helping others and making the world a better place. Jewish students who hold these values seek to be involved in movements which help minorities and create a world that is more just. When they show up they are told that if they don’t take an anti-Israel position, they will be rejected from their social circles.

6) Reaction to trauma - There are always consequences to traumatic experiences. One can fight back, one can pretend the problem doesn’t exist, or one can even subconsciously blame themselves and side with their oppressors. Jews have dealt with their fair share of trauma. Some Jews fight back, some Jews make excuses, and some Jews side with movements who seek to pursue their collective’s destruction.

Jews who fall prey to any of the six causes are not evil nor self-hating. There is a reason for their conclusions and we must focus on educating and empowering them rather than ostracizing and insulting them.

This video was made in collaboration with the Berkeley Tikvah student group.

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Edited by: Leibman Productions

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