Australian Government Spreading Anti-Male Propaganda?

30 days ago

Did you know the Australian Government have a YouTube channel? I wasn’t aware until a viewer told me. They started a few years ago talking about things like healthy social distancing, special electronic applications for your phone that somehow protect you against biological pathogens, important things like how to wear a mask, and how to spread freedom by taking the government-dictated prescribed medication, questions not allowed. They went on with that for a few more videos, but seemed to grow bored with it. So they went on to pushing the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, which we now know failed, so they gave up making videos for a while, until yesterday. “Nominate a Woman. Women are less likely to be nominated for the Order of Australia. I’d accuse them of spreading anti-male propaganda, but only 17 people have watched it, and probably half those views were from me when doing research for this video.

I don’t like to attack YouTubers’ number of views and subscribers, but this is the Australian Government. They probably have millions of dollars to spend on this, maybe billions! I don’t know. Again, I would accuse them of spreading propaganda, but they’re the worst propagandists I’ve seen with 1500 subscribers. Probably half of them are Government employees. But this is the free market at work, is it not? There is no demand for Australian Government propaganda. Nobody is buying their BS anymore.

In the video, they state that “more nominations of women are needed across the board including in engineering, transport, building and construction. From 2020 to 2024, only 12 women received awards for services of these industries.” Of course you’re going to have less awards. Obviously, these are very male-dominated professions. To expect the same number of awards would be ludicrous. “While Australia’s aviation industry is growing, women are underrepresented. We need to increase the number of women being recognised for services to Aviation through the order of Australia.” Why? If less ladies want to become pilots than men, why try to force it? Do we need more Order of Australia nominations for male kindergarten teachers? “Help break down gender barriers. Do you know an exceptional woman?” Yes, I do, but they’re not engineers and construction workers.

Yes, this is propaganda, but it’s ineffective propaganda because no one’s watching it!

But the Australian Government keep trying, I’ll give them that. You know Movember, the annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues? You know that men will die on average four years earlier than women? Well, this cause has even been hijacked by the Australian Government.

This is a media release by the Department of Social Services released a few days ago by two lady MPs, Amanda Rishworth and Justine Elliot. I wonder what they have to say about Movember and men’s health. I think you can guess. “The Albanese Labor Government is partnering with Movember as part of efforts to end gender-based violence. Improve men’s views of masculinity, combating harmful gender stereotypes. 25% of teenage boys in Australia look up to social media personalities who perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes and condone violence against women. Violence against women. Gender-based violence. Women’s safety. Gender-based violence. Gender-based violence. Gender-based violence. Domestic violence.” I thought this was supposed to be about Movember?

Anyway, you get the idea. They keep trying to push their propaganda across the airwaves at every opportunity, but luckily for us ordinary, decent men who would never condone violence against women, many Australians are just tuning out.

Allégro by Emmit Fenn

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