this is ag's real life compulsions analysis

6 months ago

i hope these videos are good since i really felt it just now
if you can't accept yourself you won't be able to appreciate good things when you have em cos you won't know what to do w/ em
how many people are in terrible relationships or shooting up dope or self-destructing each n every day
they don't love themselves enough to stop
i used to fill that void w/ so many things that would never do the thing i was most hopin they would do
yeah i used to be a kleptomaniac back when i was an alcoholic
such a baddie4shoes
i'd lift so much shit that the alarm would go off...keep on walkin amy keep on walkin
i can't imagine how boring all these patients are but also the therapists
best therapists were either cheap or free
i enjoyed talkin bout myself for 45 min on a fancy ass couch but i didn't learn shit
if there is no growth spurt whatsoever then there really is no point
i got revelations no matter what
purposely sounding like shit cos i can't do a good bono impression
starbucks is lame cos they're not open at one am, mitch hedberg would say that's an unreasonable time for me to expect them to be open n he'd be right, RIP mitch
i'm pretty sure that starbucks ain't even fair trade
what corporation isn't lying about most things they advertise
do yawl spot my grey harrs, they're so sparkly
yes i am always distracted
i hate cops, there are too many of em in my town
it's my brake pads i think
i really am fucking paranoid
this is a fine example of projection
most people do know that i'm a bad driver tho
once again, lost my train of thought...

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