TGW: X-men Legends 1 Walkthrough- Saving Xavier

1 month ago

In this episode Magma, Psylocke, Wolverine and Colossus arrive on the astral plane to save Professor X, the astral enemies grown stronger and cause more chaos, the team enter areas where an Astral Lever is, the game unsuspecting me not letting me know I needed Jean Grey for these levers, eventually the team reach Professor X and must destroy something to free his mind, they eventually do and Free Professor X, Shadow king sees this and threatens ti kill Xavier, until Xavier says he is a force to be reckoned with, the fight is on and Professor Xavier fights shadow king, Professor X defeats the Medieval Shadow King and begins fighting his minions, he eventually kills the many minions, Professor X wins and says Shadow King won't bother the X-men in a while, tired of the Astral Plane, Professor X leads the way out, now its the finale, things are heating pun intended

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