Pokémon Scarlet/Violet: 7-Star Dragonite Tera Raid EASY SOLO (No DLC)

6 months ago

Defeating 7-Star Dragonite The Unrivaled Tera Raid without using DLC Pokémon or Moves, Legendaries or Version Exclusives.

Hello everyone I'm back again with another Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Tera Raid video. This time I battle the a 7-Star Dragonite The Unrivaled with the Normal Tera Type. I will be using Annihilape with the Fighting Tera and a Metronome item. Annihilape's natural bulk and access to Drain Punch help it stay alive. Intimidate users are useless thanks to Inner Focus but Arcanine can still cause Burn through shield with Flamethrower. Other helpful teammates include Toxapex with Chilling Water and Arboliva for its ability which both heals and reduces damage from Earthquake. Good luck and hope you enjoy the video.

What I used: Raid Pokémon Info:
Annihilape Dragonite Tera: Normal
Ability: Defiant Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Adament Nature: Brave
Terra: Fighting Moves:
Item: Metronome Extreme Speed
EVs: Scale Shot
4 HP Dragon Dance
252 Attack Earthquake
252 Defense Additional Moves:
Moves: Rain Dance
Drain Punch Hurricane
Bulk Up Thunder
Taunt Draco Meteor

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