Episode 207: U.S. Treasury is manipulating interest rates!

5 months ago

This episode looks at a recent paper issued by Stephen Miran and Nouriel Roubini titled “ATI: Activist Treasury Issuance and the Tug-of-War over Monetary Policy.” The paper was highlighted in a feature article on CNBC titled “Kelly Evans: Is Treasury manipulating interest rates.” Links to both the paper and article is included below. The subject paper details the process with which the U.S. Treasury is effectively enacting quantitative easing to manipulate long-term interest rates. The authors warn that this manipulation has become political and can have dire consequences.

Link: Kelly Evans: Is Treasury manipulating interest rates? (cnbc.com)

Link: 635102_Activist_Treasury_Issuance_-_Hudson_Bay_Capital_Research.pdf (hudsonbaycapital.com)

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