Experiments Found Most COVID Vaccines Shows Very Detrimental Effects to the Sperm Directly

1 month ago

08/22/2024 Dr. Young Mi Lee, an obstetrician and gynecologist and reproductive endocrinologist: The COVID-19 vaccine directly showed detrimental effects on sperm, and the degree of harm depends on the brand of the vaccine. Shockingly, after the semen of the vaccine recipients was incubated in one of the vaccines for 2 or 3 hours, all the sperm died.
#COVIDVaccineSideEffects #SpermDamage #Fertility

08/22/2024 妇产科专家、生殖内分泌学家Young Mi Lee博士:新冠疫苗直接对精子显示出非常有害的影响,其危害程度取决于疫苗的品牌。令人震惊的是,接种疫苗者的精液在其中一个疫苗中培育2、3个小时之后,精子全部死亡。
#新冠疫苗副作用 #损害精子 #生育能力

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