"The Standoff" || Demo Submission For Work

6 months ago

I created this original piece based on the job posting and submitted it to the filmmakers in hopes to retain the role of composer on their film. The project was in script form at the time and the music I created was to accompany a pitch video they were producing. The project was shelved.

It was a western, sci-fi project so I came up with something that was western in tone but I tried to make it a little more "alien" sounding with the guitar, the synth sounds, the atonal brass chatter and the 5/4 time signature. It grows in intensity with each repetition of the main sections and each time I add additional musical ideas.


Music Composed and Performed by: Matthew C. Hightshoe
Mixed & Engineered by: Matthew C. Hightshoe
All Intellectual Property, Copyrights and Licenses are owned by: Matthew C. Hightshoe & Disgruntled Media.

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