Patriot Q&A with Juan O’Savin John & Juan – 107 Intel Insights | 8/22/24

1 month ago

In this episode Juan answers your submitted questions. To submit questions for next month’s Q&A broadcast click here and submit your questions.

- Patriot Donna Massachusetts

- Is CERN under White Hats control?

- Patriot Frank LI NY As the Deep State realizes it demise, do you feel another 9/11 type event happening in the USA again in 2024? In 2025? In New York?

- Any comments ion the geyser explosion in Yellowstone

- 2020 isn’t over yet, are the White hats doing anything to stop voter fraud? The general public just doesn't see anything.

- Was there any Black Hat symbolism in the Paris Olympics to his knowledge?
Has the chem trail spraying been thwarted, countered?

- Is Bibi friend or foe? WH or BH?

MAGA Gear Trump Silver Coin

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