Republicans Kill Civilians For Bad Guy Reasons, Democrats Kill Civilians For Nice Guy Reasons

1 month ago

Republicans Kill Civilians For Bad Guy Reasons, Democrats Kill Civilians For Nice Guy Reasons

August 21, 2024


Caitlin Johnstone

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans will kill a million Palestinians and say they're doing it so Jesus will come back.

Whereas Democrats will kill a million Palestinians while making noises with their mouths like "ceasefire" and "two-state solution."

NATO weapons are being used in the largest invasion of Russia since World War II, which according to the Ukrainian president proves Russia is bluffing about its “red lines” and it’s safe for NATO to be as aggressive as it likes inside Russia’s borders.

On a related note, the US is preparing to fight a nuclear war with Russia, China and North Korea simultaneously. The New York Times reports that the Biden administration has authorized a new nuclear strategic plan which “seeks to prepare the United States for possible coordinated nuclear challenges from China, Russia and North Korea,” in order to “examine in detail whether the United States is prepared to respond to nuclear crises that break out simultaneously or sequentially, with a combination of nuclear and nonnuclear weapons.”

That’s basically it; one does an evil thing in an evil way, while the other does the same evil thing in a much more photogenic way. Republicans want to kill Muslims for evil reasons like claiming they’re all terrorists and irredeemable heathens, while Democrats want to kill Muslims for nice guy reasons like helping Israel defend itself and bringing peace and stability to the region. They both want to kill middle eastern civilians, but one of them will kill middle eastern civilians in ways that let liberals feel good about themselves.

It’s just a classic good-cop, bad-cop routine. One plays your friend and the other plays your enemy, depending on what end of America’s fake ideological divide you happen to land on. But really they both want the same thing, in this case to murder people around the world with total impunity without sparking domestic unrest.

Reading by Tim Foley

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I write about the end of illusions. 100% reader-funded writer. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.


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