Cosmetic fillers cancer risk (and more)

1 month ago

Note: As of last year many medical/pharma whistleblowers have come forward with information that graphene hydroxide as well as the mRNA jib content have been added to not only fillers but also local anesthetics (for dental work for example).
We would highly recommend staying away from all.
Riding out the pain is sadly the only option. Staying away from all injectables that go into muscle is very important. Please share this info with loved ones.
At this point, they're trying to pollute our bodies in any way they can so saying we didn't get the convid jibs and have remained pureblood is almost no longer a thing.
We wouldn't trust the new IV fluids either.
Stay awake. It's our only chance to survive.
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Repeat a LIE often it becomes isreal....

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