CA’s 58 Cnty Bds of Sups Notified of COVID-19 Vaccine Risks

5 months ago

Last month, I urged California County Boards of Supervisors (BOS) in writing to direct their County Health Officers to stop offering COVID-19 vaccine.

Before I explain further, I’ll bring you up to date since my July 4 <> podcast and my August 6 <> appearance before Sacramento County BOS.

To date, I have appeared before Sacramento County BOS on May 21, June 4, July 9 and August 6. (The reason why I appeared before this local body is because I have lived in Sacramento County for more than 47 years. My Dad, who is now 91, retired from the United States Air Force and relocated his family to east Sacramento in June, 1977.) Click/touch on this <> link to view my initial May 21 appearance before Sacramento County BOS.  

In retrospect, I can see that those four Sacramento County BOS appearances helped me craft my message, which I have communicated in writing to California’s 57 other BOS.

Indeed, I wrote a five-page memo, which I emailed to more than 350 county elected and administratively appointed local officials throughout the state. That memo noted California Health & Safety Code 101025, which states, “The board of supervisors of each county shall take measures as may be necessary to preserve and protect the public health.” That memo urged BOS’ to direct their County Health Officer to stop promoting, administering and distributing COVID-19 vaccine “to preserve and protect the public health.” 

For your information Peggy Hall (with The Healthy American), devoted her entire July 30, 2024 podcast <> on the memo I emailed to Orange County —where she lives—and California’s 57 other BOS’.

As we all remember employers told employees during the pandemic to get vaccinated or get terminated. For more than four years Hall taught thousands of people how to invoke their constitutional rights and keep their jobs.

She said, during her July 30, 2024 podcast—which to date has generated more than eleven thousand views— that employees from the Orange County Public Agency, CDC, pharmaceutical companies, EEOC, FBI, Department of Homeland Security and even the Navy SEALS called her and asked how to invoke an exemption and not take the COVID-19 jab. I also want to acknowledge Pastor Dave Hall, Peggy Hall’s husband.

Having officially notified locally elected county officials in writing that COVID-19 vaccine should not be offered, I am now appearing before BOS’ in-person.

I went to Stockton and made public comment before San Joaquin County BOS on August 13. (Click/touch on this <> YouTube link and scroll to the 53:46 mark to view my three minute public comment.)

I travelled to Placerville and spoke before El Dorado County BOS meeting on August 20. (Click/touch on this <> YouTube link and scroll to the 4:34:11 mark to watch my three minute public comment.)

Furthermore, I have provided, on my website, what I wrote to Sacramento County BOS; what I wrote to California’s other BOS’; a list of 358 recipients who received my five page memo; and template anyone, anywhere and at anytime can download and email, on my behalf, to their local public official.

Here <> is the 7/23 Sacramento County COVID-19 Vaccine Shot Warning link.

Here <> is the 7/29 CA’s 57 Other Boards of Supervisors COVID-19 Shot Warning link.

Here <> is the COVID-19 CA Shot Warning Recipients link.

And here <> is the COVID-19 Shot Warning Template link.

I plan to appear and make public comment at other county BOS’ in the weeks to come.

Thank you for reading this summary and for viewing these videos.

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4. Holy Spirit Inspired me to Sing ‘Glory Hallelujah’ Worship Song, February 17, 2023, <>;


6. Ronald F. Owens Jr., <>.

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