Chemtrail clips and pic from 2016 thru 2024

6 months ago

I am hyper aware of chemtrails, and these are just a small sampling of the massive amounts I see here in middle Tennessee (even now, in August 2024, that we have supposedly had a ban on them since June)! I get pretty angry about it so excuse my tone and probably some language!😝 I will say this though… between 2019 and 2021, when the fake administration took over, definitely noticed that they were different and a good bit less. In a few clips you'll see that I captured chemtrail planes in the same shot with planes NOT emitting chemtrails, disproving the people who claim that chemtrails are simply contrails. A few clips show a plane with no condensation whatsoever flying amidst HEAVY CHEMTRAILS. I hope the truth is released to us someday as to what exactly has been going on up there. 🤬

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