The Nature of the Mantis ET Beings. Jacquelin Smith with Brian Ruhe

5 months ago

Jacqueline Smith discussed her experiences with Mantis beings, describing them as highly evolved interdimensional beings, each with unique colors and frequencies. Mantis beings are master geneticists, working with DNA and creating various races. They are playful, loving, and play a crucial role in cosmic and individual evolution. Smith shared personal experiences with Mantis beings, including healing sessions and a temple visit that resulted in the resolution of a health issue. She emphasized the importance of living from the heart and the role of Mantis beings in guiding humanity's evolution.

Jacquelin recommended her webinar:
Webinar Replay: Sacred Spiral Of The Mantis Temple

Her latest book is at

Thank you to a supporter in Europe who drew the image of me in the thumbnail.

Jacqueline offers private consultations, psychic readings, and has presented two webinars about the Mantis beings, with an ebook available for free download on her website.

Overview of Mantis Beings
Jacqueline describes the Mantis beings as interdimensional beings, highly evolved, and coming from an intelligence of light and sound.

The Mantis beings are described as loving, supportive of various species, and involved in the evolutionary process of cosmic systems and individual species.

They are master geneticists, working with DNA and creating many races, and are also key healers, working with humans and other beings multi-dimensionally.

Physical and Communication Characteristics of Mantis Beings
Jacqueline describes the physical appearance of Mantis beings: eight to nine feet tall, big black eyes, six appendages, and a triangular face with a third eye for healing.

They communicate through frequencies and clicking, which are light codes, and work with key races like angels, dolphin-like beings, whale-like beings, and Greys.

Roles and Activities of Mantis Beings
Mantis beings exist interdimensionally and can materialize if they choose to, though it is challenging for them to fully materialize in lower realms. They do not come from any particular planet but exist in various interdimensional realms, including the Sombrero galaxy, Orion, and Lyra.

Mantis beings create cosmic grids and work with DNA, supporting the evolutionary process of various species and humanity. They are involved in activating DNA and are key healers, working with physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychic aspects of beings.

Spiritual and Evolutionary Roles of Mantis Beings
Jacqueline describes Mantis beings as spiritual leaders, gurus of the galaxy, and angels, working with unconditional love and high intelligence. They are involved in setting up energetic blueprints for galaxies and star systems, working with angels and other beings. Mantis beings are seen as architects of life in the galaxy, mixing and matching DNA to create various beings. They are highly creative and playful.

Interaction with Other Star Beings and Humans
Mantis beings invite other star beings to their temples for healing and other experiences, as their temples are considered very sacred. They have a ritual called "joining," where Mantis beings can join their souls together, similar to a marriage on Earth. Jacqueline led a webinar, linked above, guiding people through the Mantis temple, which was well-received and helped people connect with Mantis beings. Mantis beings are seen as guides for humanity and other star beings, working behind the scenes to support humanity's evolution.

Light Language and Its Impact
Jacqueline speaks light language, which bypasses the mind and ego and works with the soul, spirit, body, and heart. She believes that speaking light language helps activate people worldwide and raises the energies in and around Earth. Light language works on a cellular level and multi-dimensionally, aligning people with their authentic selves. Jacqueline encourages more people to speak light language and connect with the Mantis beings and other star beings.

Future Outlook and Humanity's Role
Jacqueline expresses hope for humanity's future, emphasizing that it depends on the collective choices of humanity. Brian mentions the Three Waves of souls coming in, including star children and concealed ones, who will help humanity evolve.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Jacqueline shares her personal experiences with Mantis beings, including early childhood interactions and a mentor named Veena. Jacqueline encourages people to communicate with Mantis beings and other star beings through light language and other means. She concludes by expressing her hope for humanity's future and the role of Mantis beings in supporting humanity's evolution.She concludes by expressing her hope for humanity's future and the role of Mantis beings in supporting humanity's evolution.

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