The Flourish Podcast Season 2, Episode 1: Healthy, Happy Babies with Michelle Rowton

5 months ago

Dr. Toni Engram sits down with Nurse Practitioner, Michelle Rowton to discuss the importance of a baby’s first days and the impact certain oral and dental issues can have. Listen in as Michelle shares her mission, passion, and experience with Dr. Engram.

Michelle has been a guest on many live radio shows and podcasts including the Dr. Ardis Show and Alex Jones Show, some of which have gone viral regarding mandatory vaccines, chronic childhood illness, and hospital neglect and malpractice. Michelle is celebrated for her role in solidifying the role of Patient Advocacy as a known private profession and a necessity for hospital patients receiving inadequate care.

Michelle Rowton is a Nurse Practitioner and the co-owner of the Wonderfully Made Wellness Sanctuary in McKinney, Texas.
Michelle Rowton’s main goal is to give mothers their power back. For too long, the pharmaceutical industry coupled with mainstream western medicine has chipped away at the knowledge, confidence, and intuition of mothers. Our children today, more than ever, need strong advocates in their corner to fight for the optimal health outcomes that they deserve. Michelle’s mission is to continuously build a safe repository for mothers to learn and embolden themselves that follows the swiftly changing terrain of our current world.
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