Gaslight: Dem Sen. Chris Murphy Claims Kamala Harris Has Been 'Tough As Nails' Securing The Border

5 months ago

Posted • August 22, 2024: Sen. Chris Murphy is a liar. He's a lying liar. He's the lying-est liar who ever lied a lie. Or he was high. Or he's really stupid. Perhaps all of the above. Murphy claimed Kamala Harris has been 'tough as nails when it comes to securing our border'. No, really. He said that. Don't take our word for it, watch the dingus say so yourselves: Sen. Chris Murphy says "For 20 years, Kamala Harris has been tough as nails when it comes to securing our border." -- He really said that… with a straight face. With a straight face. Then again, he is pandering to Democrats so he knows they'll believe his BS and lies so why not, right? It's not like any Democrats are calling him out today for this WHOPPER, this DOOZY of a lie. Just us evil, truth-telling conservatives and p-shaw, we're racist or something. We can't even with these people. Losing nearly 300K unaccompanied children doesn't sound like something someone who is 'tough as nails' on the border would do. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - OOF! Chris Murphy Claims Kamala Harris Has Been 'Tough As Nails' Securing the Border and HELLOOO Backfire

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