*SNORT* CNN's Dana Bash Explains Democrat Men Are LOW Testosterone And Can't Relate To REAL Men

6 months ago

Posted • August 22, 2024: Wow, if this editor was a Democrat man she would be embarrassed to see someone like Dana Bash call out the truth this way. Hey, it's not like we didn't know Leftist/Democrat men are softer than normal men, with their manicured nails, groomed eyebrows, man-buns, and tight-waisted hipster jeans but still. Bash is on CNN and c'mon, CNN is supposed to be on their side, right? OMG why would she do this?! Ha. HA ha. HA HA HA HA HA. Wow. Dana Bash explains that Democrat men are low testosterone and don’t identify with real men. So basically, Tim Walz and Doug Harris … sorry … Emhoff help men whose testicles haven't dropped yet feel included and ok with themselves. Or something. Yeah, we've watched this more than once and we laugh EVERY freakin' time. Honestly, when we first saw this we thought WSS was being funny but no, she LITERALLY said it. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - *SNORT* CNN's Dana Bash Explains Democrat Men Are LOW Testosterone and Can't Relate to REAL Men

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