Psyop Trump ft Benjamin Netanyahu: In the Name of Zion, The Way of Deception! [06/22/2022]

6 months ago

Viewer Discretion NOT Advised: Psychopaths, War, Death, Conspiracy, Evil, Lies, Treason, Propaganda, Satanism and much more...

"All warfare is based on deception!" - Sun Tzu (544 BC - 496 BC)

Ordo Ab Chao = Order out of Chaos!

"By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War!" - Motto of Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD!

If you're new to the Jewish situation - the worst, most secretive people in the world operate silently.

They deceive and pretend/will do anything to accomplish their goals.

If you don't think people are capable of the same atrocities they were many years ago, think again.

Every day we wake up they commit more lies, treason, propaganda, and whatever it takes to maintain the narrative that keeps them in control.

As long as we have bread and circus, most people are content to ignore what's really happening as decline another inch.

Some are stupid enough to defend it.

We all pay the price.

The War Of Terror (part 6) starts at 00:34:00

9 in the series. More to come...

Note: Check out this source link and read the Reviews:

Remember, please, I put it out there for YOU to decide.

In The Name Of Zion: The Way Of Deception (Part 5) / The War Of Terror (Part 6) -

June 23rd, 2022

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