Pt. 30: Under Our Skin: The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things

6 months ago

Under The Skin: The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things:
First, there was the Internet of Things (IoT), then the Internet of Bodies (IoB), the Internet of Everything (IoE), and finally, Big Pharma and the military are going into your blood to construct the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT). You might have hoped for the Internet of Nothing, but instead, you are getting the Internet Of Universal Skynet (IoUS).
This paper from March 2015 is a primer that anybody can understand, including you. The IoBNT is the final building block of the surveillance network, bridging all living things from the biochemical domain into the electrical domain of the Internet.

There was no warning that nanotechnology of this sort was being pumped into your veins when you received a mRNA injectable from Pfizer or Moderna. Not a word from the government, Big Pharma, or the Military. There was no Informed Consent offered. The non-stop propaganda blared “Safe and Effective.”

Cities like Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Milan and Portland are exploring or implementing 15-minute city policies in a bid to foster more sustainable and people-centric urban environments.

The development and implementation of a Paris Agreement-aligned CAP is a requirement for every C40 city. C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of cities at the forefront of climate leadership, and cities earn and keep their membership through action. C40 Cities staff support and assess cities’ CAPs to ensure they are in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement, and more than half of C40 cities have now published their CAP. The experience of these cities in developing their CAPs informed the Knowledge Hub’s step-by-step guide to climate action planning, which provides advice to support every city – of every size, in every country, regardless of C40 membership – to develop their own 1.5°C-aligned CAP.,of%20real-time%20health%20monitoring%20and%20consumer%20electronics%20application.

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