God’s Criteria for Choosing Leaders | 1 Samuel 16:7

1 month ago

We know how you choose leaders, but do you know how God chooses leaders?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we start a new chapter, 1 Samuel 16. I've titled this chapter "God's Criteria for Choosing Leaders."

The key verse of Chapter 16 is verse 7. It reads:

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” — 1 Samuel 16:7

In this chapter, you will see a difference between Samuel's, Jesse's, and God's choice of a leader. Samuel has a bias toward the size of the man. Jesse, David's father, has a bias toward the age of the man. And God has a bias toward the heart of a man.

This is one of the challenges in selecting a leader. We judge based on things we see, like experience, education, and competency. We make appointments based on vision, values, passion, and plans. We assess appearance, communication, character, and emotional intelligence. However, a potential leader can appear competent and proficient in all these areas and still fail the one test that is challenging to administer and evaluate — the nature of the leader's heart.

As followers of God, we should assess and address our hearts. This is God's primary concern. He cares about external matters but only as they are driven, directed, and determined by the internal matter—your heart.

Here are my questions for you today.

Question one is, "How's your heart?"

Take a moment to reflect on that question. Write it out. Talk it out with someone.

Question two is, "Would God select you?"

Now, most of you are going to disqualify yourselves. If this is the case, let's alter the question to: "What do you need to address in your heart for God to qualify as his leader?"

#HeartOfLeadership, #GodsCriteria, #1Samuel16

Ask This:
What aspects of your life might be reflecting an outward appearance of leadership or righteousness but potentially masking issues within your heart? How can you bring those internal struggles to God for transformation?
How can you cultivate a heart that aligns more closely with God's values and intentions for leadership? Consider specific actions or changes to reflect a heart seeking God's approval over man's.
Do This:
Assess and address.

Pray This:
Lord, help me to see beyond the outward appearances and focus on the condition of my heart. Guide me in aligning my inner life with Your standards, so that I may lead with integrity and reflect Your values. Amen.

Play This:
Here's My Heart.

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