082224 Word From God -A DARK TIME GLYNDA LOMAX

6 months ago

I was up in the wee hours, praying for a word for us for Wednesday, when I saw two leaders at the head of America. Not one, but two. I was not sure what it meant. Lord, what are You showing me? What does it mean – two leaders? I saw one of them was Kamala Harris. I could not see who the other was, but a man stands behind her. Maybe Obama. Maybe someone else. She is still smiling, feeling secure in her position, but … I see she is not secure. I see she is a figurehead. She is holding the position because the person who wields the real power behind her would not be so easily accepted.

My children, a dark time approaches for America. America, a nation that once honored Me as her God, but now honors only immorality and fleshly pleasure. America has chosen her sin over serving Me and as with anyone who chooses sin over Me, I have given her over to what she chose. Now her sin will devour her and bring her destruction. Her leaders care more for sinful pleasure than they do for leading and protecting her people.

Because of her sin and because she is a traitor to Me in spite of all I have blessed her with, I have called forth America’s enemies and they will devour her. They will turn out the lights in America and America will shine no longer. No longer will she flaunt her shameful sins in front of a world who no longer desires her.

No longer does America lead the world, as she has rejected Me and My ways. Another nation now takes her place.

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