Every Day, I see Someone New Talking about it.

6 months ago

Every Day, I see Someone New Talking about it.

They're all in it... People really need to open their eye's to what's happening Not just the US but Worldwide.
Everyone is talking, seems no one is listening.

Truth Justice â„¢
CHILD CRIMES OF TIM WALZ: Tim Walz signed a Bill allowing Pedophiles to claim human rights protections under State law. Minnesota Rep. explains this in detail. Tim signed a law letting the State kidnap children to change their gender. Tim ordered Tampons in boys bathrooms. Tim Walz is a danger to children.

Minnesota House of Representative, Walter Hudson explains how Governor Tim Walz and Transgender Rep. Leigh Finke, who authored the Bill, removed a legal firewall that protected children from Pedophiles when the Bill was signed into law by Tim Walz.

This is the legal firewall language that was protecting children from Pedophiles that they removed from the "The Pride Act" Bill. "Sexual orientation" does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult." THEY REMOVED THIS.

The "Take Pride Act" Bill that Tim Walz signed into law removed civil protection against Pedophilia from State Law. - Rep. Walter Hudson

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