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1 Peter 5:7 New King James Version
7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

I know about any of you, but I badly needed this passage of scripture this morning. I constantly need to be reminded that I can take my concerns, fears, and every emotion I'm experiencing to the Lord. To realize that I can take my full plate of worries, cares, fears, and more so, and take what's on my plate, and give it to God. Better yet, I could just ask God to take my plate and give me a clean one! I think that's why I so appreciate not only this morning scripture, but also the questions from this morning's devotional. It's why I'd like to share these questions with you tonight, and I pray that you will really carefully read these questions and think about them. Please read these questions carefully my friends, and I pray that you will allow God to speak to your heart through them.

Where are your worries—on God’s plate or yours?

What will you give to Him right now?

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things that God showed me from His Word this morning, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you, will encourage you to relinquish those cares and concerns to the Lord, and to be willing to empty your plate full of worries on God's plate. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends and learn how you can cast all your cares upon God, empty your plate, or better yet let God take your plate and give you a clean one! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I pray for those right now that are struggling with any issue in their life, whether it's financial, physical health, a family issue (i.e. toxic family members), anything else, to relinquish them to the feet of the savior! Choose to cast your burdens on God, who is willing to take all those fears, worries, cares, and concerns, and let Him deal with them! Better yet, take your plate full of worries, put them in God's hands, and allow Him to give you a clean plate then ask Him to help you put things on that plate that are glorifying and honoring to Him. Remember that in Christ, you will NOT be moved, you’re no longer in Lodebar, and Satan will not destroy your joy!!! Remember that God will NEVER leave, forsake, or leave you hanging. You’re the head and not the tail, and are victorious in Him!!!



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