If China does not has nuclear weapons after WWII in the 1960s

1 month ago

Video: If China does not has nuclear weapons after WWII in the 1960s, Western Hegemony will bring the happenings in Gaza, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Nanjing Massacre to China. Deng Xiaoping foresight has prevents that from happening. But despite China defensive capabilities, US’s 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act has returned in full force under different names to stop Chinese rises by all means at all cost. Chinese Americans is suffering Asian Hates advocated by racist US politicians. Hate crimes against Chinese-Americans increased by 300% and there is no ends in sight forcing 1,000s of top Chinese scientists left US last 5 years to avoid political prosecutions, escape from America expect to continue in the coming years. 如果二戰後六十年代中國沒有核武,西方霸權就會把加薩、伊拉克、利比亞、阿富汗、南京大屠殺等恐怖手段帶到中國。鄧小平的遠見卓識阻止了這種情況的發生。但儘管中國有防禦能力,美國1882年的排華法案卻以不同的名稱全面回歸,不惜一切代價阻止中國的崛起​​。華裔美國人正遭受美國種族主義政客所鼓吹的「仇恨亞裔」之苦。針對華裔美國人的仇恨犯罪增加了 300%,並且沒有盡頭,迫使幾萬名中國頂尖科學家在過去 5 年內離開美國以避免政治起訴迫害,預計未來逃離美國的美藉華人還會繼續會更多.

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