Tim Walz Takes Another Shot At JD Vance For Going To Yale

6 months ago

Posted • August 22, 2024: Walz: "I had 24 kids in my high school class and none of them went to Yale." - Weird flex! Isn’t he basically admitting he sucked as a teacher? 🤔 Another weird moment where Democrats attack JD Vance for becoming successful. Tim Walz continues to diss JD Vance for going to Yale. Vance overcame poverty, served his country, and earned his way into Yale (and paid for using the GI Bill). How is this a bad thing? Meanwhile, how many of these speakers came from privilege & have Ivy League degrees? Walz’ consistent jab at JD Vance for attending Yale is petty and obnoxious. Small town people don’t belong in the Ivy League? The “real Americans who grow up poor don’t go to Yale” thing that Walz keeps inexplicably doing is especially weird given that Bill Clinton spoke a few hours ago. They're not mad at Yale. They're mad that a conservative hillbilly like J.D. Vance went to Yale.

Vance is the quintessential American success story, but according to the Democrats and Walz, he should have stayed in Ohio and remained poor. That way he'd be dependent on their handouts and they could control him. By the way, did you know Walz was a football coach? He may have mentioned it a few times. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Tim Walz Takes Another Shot at JD Vance Going to Yale
Twitchy: Tim Walz Whines (AGAIN) About JD Vance Going to Yale, Accidentally Makes Case for Americans to Vote Trump

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