Spiritual mobilization of Poland (Part 2) /For students/

6 months ago

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Dear students at all levels of schools in Poland,
we call on you to spiritually mobilize! The system of lies and death must be resisted. Professional lies use moral impurity to enslave people with the aim of total self-destruction of yourselves, your families and the Polish nation. The struggle against the spirit of lies and immorality is the hardest struggle, but the victory is the most glorious, and what is more, after the end of this life it is crowned with a crown of eternal glory. This struggle must be fought under the protection of our Heavenly Mother.
Ultimately, it is a struggle for the salvation of your immortal soul, and thus for temporal and eternal happiness. The world, which is ruled by a system of lies, pursues, on the contrary, your temporal and eternal unhappiness. Its most powerful weapon is the professional lie, which poses as truth and goodness, but is in its essence a spiritual poison and brings death. This system of lies and death must be exposed. That is a major part of this spiritual warfare. In this struggle you must expect oppression, persecution, and even death. But the nation needs true heroes! You, young Poles, should become such heroes!
Purity is associated with moral strength and truth with humility, i.e. self-criticism. There is a spiritual source of evil in us, the seed of the devil, which is called original sin. It darkens our conscience and our perception of truth. Man therefore deceives himself, and when someone points out his error, he is mortally offended. To be able to admit the truth is true heroism. It is a struggle with one’s own pride and self-deception in order to accept Christ’s gospel of truth and salvation. It is also a struggle for purity of heart. The moral man is given the strength and the light to fight for the truth. The immoral man, enslaved to the passions, does not love the truth, and even hates and rejects it.
The devil has two of his most powerful weapons today. The first is a professional lie and the second is a moral subversion caused by gender ideology. Already school children are demoralized through legalized immorality leading to moral and physical suicide of individuals and the nation. This is the agenda of the devil and his human mediums with the goal of so-called depopulation. This process of self-destruction must be resisted by brave men, both young and old. Become God’s warriors for the truth and God’s laws! Stand up against pseudo-laws fraudulently imposed by the EU and globalist policies aimed at morally disintegrating the Polish nation.
Today we have no apologists – defenders of the faith. Therefore heresies have penetrated the Church, and false prophets, especially German heretical theologians, have spiritually poisoned the Church using lofty religious phrases. All this is a result of the pride of “theological level”. Today we see its pernicious fruit especially in Germany and Belgium. Here, these theologians and their followers even approve the marriages of queer couples, that is, for example, a man with a pig or a goat. This is a loss of conscience and reason, ending in total idiocy. This is the paradox of human pride. The release of Fiducia supplicans marked a turning point in Bergoglio’s covert transformation of the Catholic Church into a New Age anti-church, making it a priority to bless homosexual unions. It is a mockery of God who gave a warning to all generations by punishing sodomy. He warns not only of the temporal punishment of fire from heaven (2Pe 2:6), but through the Apostle He also warns of eternal fire (Jud 7).
There could not have been a greater decline within the Church. Everything is built on a lie, that is, on human pride and a persistent rejection of repentance, which is the way of truth. The moral poison of sodomy has permeated the world. A globalist satanic organization is parasitic on Catholic Europe and America, gradually destroying not only Christianity but also humanity, which absurdly accepts it. They choose traitors even in the political sphere to destroy their own peoples. This is a sign of a loss of reason. The tragedy is that there are no God’s warriors! There is no one to seek the truth and fight for it. Why? Because people do not pray, because they love sin and are slaves to it. Most Catholic bishops are silent, unable to stand up for Christ and His Gospel against the greatest heresy of all time, which is Fiducia supplicans. Credit where the credit is due, the Polish and African bishops have not accepted this funeral certificate of the Catholic Church.
Thank God that in Poland there is a long tradition of pilgrimages from Warsaw to Czestochowa. Many of your fathers or professors had a conversion experience here years ago; they have come to know the deep meaning and purpose of life and have seriously realized the dimension of eternity and the responsibility for their life.
What battle strategy should God’s warriors under the banner of the Immaculate adopt against the devil, who is a spirit of lies and death? How to get the strength to fight for the truth, how to stand against the professional system of lies in the world, in the Church and in themselves? They must be trained in true self-criticism, that is, call truth truth, sin sin, immorality immorality, heresy heresy. They must realize that God’s laws protect the individual, the family and the nation, and on the other hand, the anti-laws of gender ideology lead to the destruction of the individual, the family and the nation. How many gay pride events have been held in Poland? Several dozen! To compensate for every gay pride, the church leadership should hold a penitential march for Jesus and God’s laws in every city!
What about church and secular politics? Basically, it submits to the globalist lies causing mental, spiritual and physical death of the masses. It is necessary to resist the devil and his servants, the professional liars. In this battle, one must be ready for death like every soldier. But to die for Christ, for the truth and for the moral salvation of the nation, that is the greatest honour! Unless there are God’s warriors and unless this spiritual battle is waged for the truth and the salvation of souls, people will die in the form of self-destruction. They will uncritically and even naively believe in covid, sodomite, gender, climate or other lies. They will destroy themselves morally and physically, and the devil and his servants will laugh that they are digging their own grave, temporal and eternal. We must resist the devil who deceives each one of us. Those who refuse self-criticism and persist in pride and impurity become his slaves. Resistance is true heroism. There is no greater heroism than to stand up for the Truth that gives life, even eternal life. This is the true motivation for the Polish youth. Keeping a pure heart is the best preparation for a happy marriage or for a life dedicated to God.
Fighting against one’s own ego, that is, one’s own pride, and at the same time fighting against impure lusts, that is true heroism! Heroism is not about getting drunk or hurting someone or living an immoral life. That is shameful! Our role models cannot be rock stars living a lifestyle of immorality and drugs, or transgender people. Our role models should be saints and martyrs for Christ. First among them are the Apostles, the Blessed Virgin, and the supreme model for us is our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, whom we are to follow even unto death. Truth prevails, but truth is often crucified and persecuted.
To be morally strong, that is, to deny oneself, one’s ego, one’s passion, one needs light and strength. One gets this first of all in personal prayer and then, of course, by reading the Scriptures and the lives of the saints. That is the reason for a spiritual mobilization of Poland. Dear young students and schoolchildren, decide for the truth, decide for pure youth, decide to resist the spirit of lies in your personal life and in your surroundings. Let this become your ideal in life! Moreover, in this spiritual struggle we need to be rooted in the transcendent.
So we should know that we are not just fighting for temporal values, we are fighting for the salvation of our immortal soul. We are also fighting for the salvation of many to whom we are to witness in word and life. You have been baptized; you have received the life of God. The essence of baptism is that we have been immersed in the death of Christ, which conquers the devil and the power of sin in us. In interior prayer, the Spirit of God should make the mystery of Christ’s death real in our life, and thus also of the new life, the life of God Himself living in our hearts.
Scripture says: “You are the temple of God.” Jesus says: “I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.” And He also says: “I am with you all the days of your life!” We are not to live a selfish life, but a new life, the life of Christ in us. That is the greatest dignity. It is worth fighting for this life against the spirit of lies and impure passions which the world imposes suggestively, literally by terror and ridicule. Do not be enslaved by the spirit of lies, by the spirit of the world! Resist the system of lies and death! Be true heroes! Be God’s warriors! In this way you will be most useful to the Polish nation, but also to yourselves.
Some advice in the fight for purity
Jesus says: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.” (Mt 5:27-30)
Radicalism of the Gospel is truly vital in avoiding the sin of fornication and adultery, which carries lifelong painful consequences. It is not about physically cutting off the hand or foot or plucking out the eye, but about radically cutting off the temptation that wants to use the outer members of the body as an instrument of sin. Today, immorality is deliberately promoted in many ways, and often covertly. Perhaps the greatest danger to the young person is the internet and the smartphone. There is easy access to pornography, which is extremely attractive to young men. They do not realize that if they succumb to this trap, they will become slaves to sin. An unclean spirit enters the soul through a vice and eventually gains dominion over the soul’s spiritual nature and will. Gradually the conscience is dulled, and the love of truth and the willingness to seek and fight for it disappears. The sin of impurity breeds egoists. A pure young person, by contrast, is prepared for responsible marriage and parenthood. Those who are slaves to sin usually fail in marriage.
The Gospel gives instructions for radicalism. When an impure thought, feeling, idea or sight comes to your mind, nip it in the bud, do not think about it! It may be helpful to realize: “What if my parents saw me commit this sin?”
China employs strict censorship rules for immoral films or programmes that violate social morality.
Back in the communist era, pornography was banned and severely punished, as was paedophilia and homosexuality. Today, amorality is the most powerful globalist tool for depopulation, i.e. self-destruction of humanity. But it must be remembered that immorality seriously threatens the salvation of the soul!
However, it is not just the dangers of pornography on the Internet; there are direct instructions for perversions such as necrophilia, paedophilia, zoophilia, sodomy, sadomasochism and other depravities that truly make people into mediums of unclean demons.
In spiritual warfare, God’s help is needed. Therefore, it is necessary for young people to set aside time in their daily schedule for prayer, conversation with God. In this struggle for purity of heart, whole generations before us have had recourse to the Mother of Jesus with confidence. To her they owed help and protection.
What else does Scripture say? “Flee sexual immorality! Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…?” (1Cor 6:18-20)
God’s word warns against sexual immorality, the sin against one’s own body. It reminds us that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Through immorality, we lose this dignity. As for sexuality, it has its reserved place in a proper marriage, where it is linked to a lifetime of love and sacrifice for the spouse and for one’s children.
In addition to moral impurity, there is spiritual impurity. It is the occult, which in paganism manifests itself in various forms of magic, divination and spiritualism. It opens the soul to a false spirituality that leads away from the true God and His commandments.
Dear student, resist the spirit of the world, resist sin, resist the spirit of lies and death! Join the spiritual mobilization and your eyes will be opened!
In Christ,

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

29 June 2024

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