WTFR The Pushback 21-08-2024

5 months ago

Join Joss, Colin & Leo for a fun roundtable convo.

Colin isn't dead, nor is he suicidal. Just wanted to make that perfectly clear. He still maintains he's paid off his mortgage with a promisory note, & intends on singlehandedly bringing the entirety of the banking cartel house of cards crashing to the ground.

Leo is as undead as ever, I'm thinking of calling him Nosferatu from now on. My goodness did he tell some filthy dirty jokes, which explains the thumbnail picture. We were indeed laughing like it was still legal to do so. Maybe I'll set up a speakeasy for laughing. I'll call it a laugheasy.

Emma (the star lady) couldn't join us today, but she did send Joss some stuff about planets bumping into each other, & what to expect over the next week.

Joss also pushed buttons (Joss loves pushing buttons), & occasionally chimed in with contradictory & inflamatory "news" from clownworld.

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