Was Kamala Harris born a male in Benghazi named Kamal Aroush? Pt 2

1 month ago

From the River to the Sea: Stop Israel’s #GazaGenocide, Free Palestinian Prisoners


Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 22, 2024

“A Worldwide Call To Prayer To Save The Tortured Children;
To Bless Trump and The Q Movement;
To Give Strength To Patriots of The Global Military Alliance For Their
Restoration of Our God Given Freedoms.”

…Carolyn Bessette Kennedy Wed. 21 Aug. 2024

After the E B S and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After E B S and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.

We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.

The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.



Andy Levin, Pushed Out of Congress by AIPAC, Calls for Change in U.S.-Israel Policy

Hats off to Mr. Levin. I think that's what most Americans want, not just a change in US/Israel policy but to get money out of our system. Money is corrosive to our democracy and it's not just AIPAC, energy, pharma, Wall St. etc.

Leaked Docs: Israel Scrambles To Help AIPAC Get Around FARA Act

America should be run by Americans for Americans. Simple as. 🇺🇸

What did Trump say? AMERICA FIRST AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and you can only do it when you remove all these Demons=ZIOPIGS from the face of the World!!

Ilan Pappé: The Rise and Coming Fall of the Israel Lobby

One of the most eloquent, morally consistent and professionally integral journalists interviewing one of the most knowledgeable, morally consistent and professionally integral historians. The result is over one hour of unfiltered and honest knowledge and education. Keep documenting and reporting the truth.


Pro-Palestinian protestors begin march from Union Park on Day 3 of DNC in Chicago

I have never seen any IDF soldiers fighting in any of our wars even the ones they started with lies about Iraq. We lost thousands of our young brave soldiers while IDF soldiers slept in their warm beds with their free healthcare paid by us !

Gaza Protesters Burn Israeli Flag, Storm Consulate In Chicago | Ugly Clash With Cops On DNC Night 2

They can buy the Politicians but not the people.

Spin it anyway you want, America has had it with Israel, Ukraine and the dual citizens in our government.

Why a Gaza ‘ceasefire’ is not enough at Chicago’s DNC

Bought and sold Democrats.
Bought and sold Republicans.
Same people buying both parties.


Tues. 30 July 2024 – My son Gabriel Georges Habib sent this on Whatsapp.

Very Interesting - OSHO: Know the Secret

“I want you to think back a long time ago when everything was going right for you. Everything that you wish always comes true in a positive way for you. That period of time was a time whereby you are always giving, regardless of how everyone takes from you, you always have more to give. When you start to be wary of people and slowly paranoid, you stop giving time and money and everything starts reversing for you. So please go volunteer somewhere now.”

Like many people, my children don’t believe this world can be saved because they said that the ‘JEWS’ controls all the politicians. They wanted me to focus my energy on charitable work like I used to do in my younger days.

I didn’t reply because my whole life they have seen me without a job but busy helping others doing charitable works. They asked me what my job was and my reply was ‘SAVE THE WORLD’ and they laughed at me. I told them to believe in God you be very powerful He will provide because this was what my teacher had told us and I believe her words.

I told them when I have no money, money will come hahaha. They said from where and I said from God and this was how my mother talked to us too. I remember when I was young and my mother asked my elder sister for money and she replied, “You see us as satan because we don’t believe in Jehovah's Witness so why don’t you go to your God and ask for the money?” Hahaha, there are so many stories to share but this one is good enough for you to understand where I came from always God, God God, like the Muslim, Allah Akbar, meaning God is great!! Like now in Gaza Allah is great because soon the occupation will end and the Palestinians will have a state and the Palestinians know great Sacrifice is great Love for their people.

My son will be 45 years old in Sept but the mind of a child doesn’t know that I have NO MONEY to give but I still can contribute my time so I stay at home sitting in front of the computer. But slut Miriam Adelson bitches knew I didn’t have money because they checked my bank account.

Professor Bennett my fortune teller told me God will only give me enough to keep walking this journey because if I have a windfall I might stop walking the journey. I was in real estate but when I failed to close the deal to sell a bungalow to Qatar at $28 million I knew real estate was not for me. Within a month this bungalow was sold for $38 million. I quit my real estate job and focused on chasing my dream of bringing this world to oneness because this is what God wanted me to do.

Ok, I tell you something about my daughter who does not believe in God because she is married to a man whose whole family does not believe in God. A couple of years back it was Mother’s Day and she knew I love cheesecake so she bought one for me for a surprise. After the cake arrived she called me and said, “Mother this cake not God sent to you it is your daughter Greta Georges bought for you.” Hahaha, so funny I didn’t reply just said thank you because what else can I say except thank you? You know very difficult to talk to anyone who does not believe in God Almighty. I am so idealistic believing that I can convince Lee Kuan Yew to believe there is a God but without this desire, I might not have taken this journey you know what I mean? My journey is to manifest the presence of God and they said that God works in mysterious ways so let's see what the future has installed for this silly girl who believes this World can be saved just by removing the ZIOPIGS from the face of the World.

When I write like this pouring out my feeling in my blogs, slut Miriam Adelson and bitches on the other sides reading it will delete it. They don’t like me to share anything, especially about God's power. When I was young I vividly remembered what my mother said, “Lee Kuan Yew does not want us to believe in the spiritual power except to study hard because they want to keep this REAL POWER for themselves.” Lee Kuan Yew had a Monk who guided his path to power and the Singapore $1 coin and the Merlion was the monk's idea to fence off Malaysia so that forever Singapore would be rich.




Below are some of the writing that I have posted on the ex-MMLEE Blog When it disappeared I read the sign that God wanted me just to focus on the Palestine and Poison blogs.


Dear Fellow Singaporeans,

Many people often ask me what is my dreams and when am I going to stop chasing my dreams. I wish I knew what God wanted me to do but all I know I got to unite humanity. My mother often shouted at me and she said, "Instead of saving the world you better save your sanity if not one day you will end up in the mental hospital!"

I always thought the day that I would stop chasing is when the man will appear and love me for who I am - http://www.dearmmlee.com/what-the-fortune-teller-said/ Well he did come but I found out he is the wrong one because God will not send me a man who is still married although very unhappy, so this means I must continue walking...

World Harmony Day 2004

In the above WHD 2004 video I said that high ideals and dreams need great sacrifices and I don't only talk but I did the walk. I had run away from 2 husbands, $2M of my hard-earned money to finance my crazy pursuit that spirituality has hidden power. My teacher taught us how to listen to our inner voice and warn us about the danger of the capitalist world whose so-called ‘god’ is Greed! We must not fall into this trap if we know who we are our values and beliefs.

I'm the black sheep of the family and my parents were afraid one day my outburst about the government and especially the Western world would bring the family down. My two children were not happy with my 2 political blogs because they felt I was selfish in pursuing my passion without thinking this passion of mine could hurt my daughter's future in her filming career.

I told my children to read my 2 blogs carefully and if they still feel I did something wrong for speaking up for the Palestinian cause then I will stop. My daughter Greta came back and said, "Mother Zionism is about fighting for a Jewish homeland." I told her Israel has already stolen 80% of Palestine how much more do they want and what are they going to do with the 5 million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank? I just want to know why aren't they honoring the 1993 Oslo agreement signed by Yitzhak Rabin. And I found the answer in this video. http://thepoisonappleoftheworld.com/netanyahu-the-scum/

In simple English what the Israeli government is doing Ethnic Cleansing! I told my daughter this struggle is not just the Palestinian's struggle but the world's as well because we cannot accept GENOCIDE and SILENCE IS A CRIME this meant we are the great sinners too that's why I have to speak up to appease my soul! I wanted Almighty God to know that I, Chong Sun Wah did speak up and do something about it and most importantly I wanted the Palestinian people to know we care for them too to give them hope for a better future.

I am writing to you MM Lee because I hope that you can make my dream a reality. Many people who helped me in the WHD event wanted to hijack the WHD cause for their own cause but none asked me the founder what WHD is to me. WHD is calling for the world to support Fairness & Justice and it is time for all of us to free Palestine because if we don’t the world will not be free. As I look through the past videos I realized during the interview with CNA Greta mentioned Palestine & Israel and at the WHD 2002 event the singer Said dedicated a song to Palestine. In 2003 Said did the same and this is when the CID who was in the crowd got me to stop the event at 9 pm. The sign is all there for everyone to see that the WORLD CANNOT SIT ON THE FEND ANYMORE.

If you are with JUSTICE, please go to the Palestinian Declaration written by an Exiled Palestinian Nahida.

Yours truly,
Sunflower Chong



My teachers knew their generation was gone and they hoped this fear of survival would not trickle down to us so my teacher wanted us to hear our inner voice and not the voice of Lee Kuan Yew who constantly created the fear that Malaysia is our enemy. She said that although we were not qualified to enter the LKY's university, we still could enter the ‘Life University’ and it is free of charge. In our young mind, nothing is free in life as Lee Kuan Yew had said openly and he also said that not everyone is equal. So he reminded us of our position. We asked the teacher how we could study for free. The teacher said we must listen to ordinary adults when they talk especially the taxi drivers because their thoughts were true and pure and their intentions were good. But when the government talked, it was for their own good to control the minds and lives of the people for their own agenda.

Oh, I will tell you what one taxi driver said, "Why spend 27 billion on arms when all the airplanes are parked in America & Australia, and when a sudden war comes how the government is going to protect the people?" This is food for thought. He said better spend just one billion to build good relationships with our neighbors so they will continue to sell cheap sand to us :) Lee Kuan Yew always believed with money we can buy our way through including people. There are Singaporeans who have principles and pride and can never be bought by money. Many people said if Mr. Tharman works for other corporations he will make a lot of money. They know you are in the Government because you are a very proud Singaporean and you do what is best for us. But many Singaporeans believe the other Ministers cannot make it and they are overpaid! I think Han Fook Kwang was very worried because most of the top government body comes from the Military.

Lee Kuan Yew's advisers were mostly Westerners and they never advised Lee Kuan Yew to nurture the people's talents. Like my uneducated mother said, "How can we all follow Lee Kuan Yew's capitalist path what if the capitalist path does not work, how can WINNER TAKE ALL what about compassion and empathy we cannot just study to make money? Education must uplift society and not for individual pockets."


My mother believed at least 5% of the population must walk the other path and that is the spiritual path. The government must nurture the people's creative talents because arts need to be funded by the government. Unfortunately, we were made to believe that a small country like Singapore does not have talents and all we can be is a middleman, so we became known as a middleman business. Do you know why Kao Pao Kun was crying out loud with pain when he saw Singapore sinking spiritually and he could not save her?

Mr Kao had advised me not to show my passion for art he asked me to just focus on taking good care of my family because as individuals we cannot change the government's mind. When NUS Centre of the Art asked me to donate 2 harps Mr Kao asked me not to do so because NUS got money. But instead of giving 2 harps, I gave one because I really believe in the goodness of art. Mr Kao was jailed because he wanted to make art a way of life. I also wanted art to be the core of our existence but I make sure the journey I make will not get me to the four walls of the prison. I have given almost $50K to the sub-station because I wanted Mr Kao to know his struggle was not in vain. I am an ordinary person who believes in him and I hope he can forgive Lee Kuan Yew because I have loved Lee Kuan Yew since a very young child. Unfortunately, many intellectuals and civil servants were questioning my ulterior motive because in Singapore people will not do think for nothing.

I strongly believe if Mr Lee Kuan Yew knows better he will allow our soul to blossom so our job is to help Lee Kuan Yew to see clearer. When I attended a BIG Talk with many opposition parties one intellectual screamed at me, "Sunflower can’t you see the old man cannot see Art must be part of living!" Then I replied to him then we got to work harder and help him see better instead of hoping that if the opposition get into power they will listen to us.

After the dialogue, the Workers Party came to me gave me his name card, and asked me to share with them my vision for Singapore in order for them to help me realize it. I took his card and politely thanked him then I tiered his card and threw it away. My heart is with PAP and my job is to help them to help Singapore. I sincerely believe what we can do is through our honest work and try to influence the system with the hope they know what the people really want for Singapore's future.



CANNOT TAHUN on WHD 2003 we wanted to bring the awareness that war is not in the interest of humanity, instead A TOP MINISTER STOP US from creating trouble. http://www.dearmmlee.com/world-harmony-day-20th-feb-2003/

They cannot cancel the event because the government only found out on 19 Feb 2003 and WHD is on 20th Feb 2003. The POLICE had no choice but to allow us to carry on the event but WE CANNOT TALK! The cooperation with the Youth Park was they would get the license and I do all the work and come out with all the money. But because of the oncoming Iraq war, I got to apply for the license on the 20th Feb. (The civil servants drove me crazy and after the event for a whole year I did nothing but keep on writing, and now all writing became DEARMMLEE blog.) THERE WERE SO MANY CIDS ON THAT NIGHT and when 9 pm arrived they wanted me to stop when everyone was having so great feeling about this gathering. The way I see it, the Singapore government is very good at killing the ‘pure spirit of the people’ just like what had happened to NANTAH! The personnel of the Youth Park bought me a bouquet of sunflowers and apologised to me and told me even with the money given by the government they cannot hold an event so well with such PURE AND GREAT SPIRIT FOR HUMANITY and this is what the PAP grassroots should do but most of the time it was not possible.

So I believe I should be at peace with myself after their comments. All of them shook my hands so tight and asked me to forgive them for the unfortunate disruptions because they had no choice they received a phone call from the top (minister) just like how the media in Singapore received a call from the top when what they read on the paper is not pleasing to their ears

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

We have only one life and we must live it to the fullest and chase our rainbow whatever it might be. We must not waste our lives with constant complaints and regrets because the power is in our hands to succeed! I have pursued my passion and that is to strive for greater humanity hence World Harmony Day was born on 20th February 2002 :)

“Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold.”- Bob Marley

My friend from Bangkok compared me to a temple bell. I have lots of patience and I will wait for someone from the Higher Power to ring this bell loud to the four corners of the world to bring awareness of World Harmony Day. It would be great if today on 20th February 2017 @8.02pm, the Collective Consciousness will do the job. God has given us one world and we must LEARN how to share this one world for Peace & Harmony to Prevail.


Nostradamus predicted WW3 but he also said that We Can Change the Tide!! The action we take on 20th February 2017 will determine the kind of world we want to live in.




“To free your mind is to free your soul”– Sunflower Chong

Why do I take this walk when I know NO ONE will LISTEN to A NOBODY? Well, very simply, I DID IT FOR MY LOVE OF GOD ALMIGHTY! http://sunflowerchong.com/is-all-about-my-love-for-god/ When I was young people laughed at me then I cried to myself and said that one day when people realized what I am trying to achieve I knew they too would love me for who I am and they will thank me for having the courage to take this journey. http://sunflowerchong.com/am-i-a-troublemaker/

On World Harmony Day 2002, the people really thanked me for giving birth to World Harmony Day they are Singaporeans, and their parting words to me were to stay strong until someone took over from me. In Washington DC when I was there to promote World Harmony Day http://www.palestinebedrockoftheworld.com/promoting-world-harmony-day-in-washington-dc/ the people also thanked me and said that I must bring World Harmony Day to the global stage. So I read all these signs that the Worldwide Spiritual Movement will happen one day hence I need to keep working hard with great love to reach this goal :)

When I was young I was unloved by my family and some of my teachers because I TALK so much and so LOUD http://sunflowerchong.com/why-i-need-to-speak-up/ about wanting to make the world right! Hence, all the times we are not allowed to OPEN our mouths, I would talk indirectly to God in silence or very often look at the mirror and talk to HIM.

I was seeking God’s love and I had made a vow to Him that I would not fail HIM and that I would walk the spiritual path no matter what the obstacles to prove my true love for HIM.

When I was a young child, in my darkest moments, I often hid in a dark corner and quietly cried to myself and asked Almighty God why was I here on earth to suffer like a slave for my big family. Instead of being angry with the world and the people who had made my life miserable and unbearable, I often asked God, was He preparing me for something great? When you think in this manner, you will not be angry at the Acts of Unfairness and Injustice done to you. Instead, you believe that everything happens for a reason. I had accepted my fate or karma because my teacher’s soft and gentle talks had convinced me that sacrifice was a necessity for real growth instead of being filled with hatred that would tear me apart.

I was able to experience, learn, and feel life without bitterness and with great love because God is preparing me for something great and this means suffering and sacrifice will be my friends instead of my enemies. My teacher taught us about Resilience. http://sunflowerchong.com/positive-affect-of-a-person-i-observed/ She said we must be like the lotus flower, even though it is in the mud, it grows with beauty and grace. In short, in my struggle in life, I will do it gracefully and graciously.

Frankly speaking, at such a young age, I really did not know what God wanted me to do in this world. I didn’t feel I belonged but I knew I got to do something to give meaning to my life, but what? Again, I have to thank my teacher Ms Loh, who shared with us the power of the Conscious Mind. http://sunflowerchong.com/my-dna-honesty-sincerity/

“Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness has been (for quite some time) studied by numerous scientists, especially in its relation to quantum physics and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality.

What is consciousness? Consciousness includes a number of things. It’s how we perceive our world, our thoughts, being awareness, our intentions, and more.

She told us not to get sucked into the belief that capitalism is progress and represents success because if we were not careful, the harm done will be too late to rectify. My teacher Ms Loh stirred my imagination and raised my consciousness…. please see: http://www.dearmmlee.com/my-beloved-teacher-ms-loh/ she wanted us to be connected to our soul because she said that if we were not watchful we would lose our reason for living a full and useful life and be doomed to live only for MONEY’S SAKE! She said that our worth is the deed we do and not the money in our bank account. She said that we can and should do more since the world needs us and if we want to shine for God, we need to strive for greater humanity!

When I was young, I will never forget what my mother said about China, “Do you think the sleeping giant will not wake up one day?” And when Henry Kissinger visited China my mother said, “Do you think America can take advantage of China like they did to the third-world countries like Indonesia!” My mother disliked America a lot because she said that they were wolves hiding in sheep’s clothing. It pained my mother’s heart when she saw how American corporations destroyed the environment for their own profits starting in the late 50’s. And until now they are still carrying on the old practice where profit triumphs over everything like what happened on the coast of Florida by BP. She will not forget the Opium War in China and she said that in Asia there is another kind of war the West is conducting, corrupting the minds of our people with Greed which they call Capitalism! At one time even Robert Ng from the Far East said that Greed is good! THE WHOLE NATION WENT CRAZY WHEN HE SPOKE AT A UNIVERSITY!

I attended my first New Town Alumni Committee meeting on 9 July 2013 and the President said, “I am committed to the committee because who I am today is because of New Town Secondary School and I must give back to the school.” I have told my children not to blame me for who I am. I am who I am because of my school, NEW TOWN SECONDARY SCHOOL. Without my Principal, Mrs. Yeo Lai Cheng’s words of wisdom, and my teachers’ deep concern for our future at the hands of the false ‘god’ of capitalism, my life might have been wasted chasing the wrong values in life! Mrs. Yeo Lai Cheng wanted us to be a visionary like Mr. Lee Kuan Yew….and she said Singapore needs love please see: http://www.dearmmlee.com/my-principal-mrs-yeo-lai-cheng/ It was only after I had the courage to embark on my lonely lifelong journey that I seemed to see a bit of the light.

In the late 60’s my teacher already told us that to love God we got to strive for greater humanity. Yes, she said that we have to take care of ourselves first then the family but she added if we can do more we should and we must if we want this world to prosper in the right way.

She said that if we truly love God we will value human lives. Secondly, we must take good care of this world because God only gave us one world and not 180-plus worlds. My teacher said that all of us can play our part to make the world right and the way to show our love for God is to take care of our ‘One Home the Planet’ by not littering and polluting the clean water so on and so forth. I really believe this kind of talking is so necessary nowadays for our young children. If we got to use God's name this is the best way to do it.

We have only one life http://sunflowerchong.com/reaching-for-the-stars/ so my teacher wanted us to make good use of our life and leave something good behind. I also never forgot what else she said, “The problem with humanity is that we believe we cannot make the world better as individuals, so everyone is out there to get as much as they can and in doing so, harming the environment. They do so without realizing our very survival and the survival of the future generations depends on this one planet God has given to us.” She continued, “Just imagine if every one of us did not litter. Can you envisage the healthy planet we would have and on top of that, we would not need to employ so many people to keep the planet clean?” Such a powerful thought and my teacher wanted us to be the light for others to feel God’s presence in all of us. For her, that was the way we should show our love for God, by Caring.


My teacher told us Singapore is not the World. She wanted us to care for our One World and she said that if the world does not care for the Palestinian's struggle for a homeland, then one day Palestine will disappear from the world map. She said that for the Palestinian people to have a homeland, the WORLD MUST CARE for them…please see:

Why ASEAN House?

My mother said that Mr Lee Kuan Yew did not take ASEAN seriously. But in my eyes, ASEAN is very important for Singapore because to create a Greater Asia ASEAN is the foundation. That’s why we must construct the ASEAN House and I sincerely hope China will put its stamp by financing part of the construction of the future AEAN House.

I believe we have to strive for a Greater Asia which includes India, Russia; the Middle East & Africa because our future must not be determined or shaped by the Western power whose only aim is to control all of us through their economic power. When the whole nation was geared up just to serve the MNC in my simple eyes we are slave to their needs but what about our own needs? Instead, to survive we need to excel with great creativity and we need all the human resources of the people at large.

ASEAN is not just about business but security too hence we need to build a strong foundation for ASEAN future generations by creating the ASEAN Headquarters in Jakarta, Indonesia.


During a class discussion in regard to race and religion, my teacher told us tolerance has a limit because without understanding, one day the balloon will burst. What’s important is to have a discussion and a dialogue to bring about a better understanding of each other’s cultures and religions. Race and religion cannot be kept in a box nor can they be swept under the rug! Acceptance does not come naturally, it comes from understanding and understanding needs dialogue. The World Harmony Day platform is an ideal venue to allow such sensitive topics to be discussed in a calm and rational manner and if we can harness all the pure spirituality and energy, we might be able to develop a guidebook for all humanity.

There is definitely a need to introduce Universal Spiritual Education http://sunflowerchong.com/tharman-shanmugaratnam-for-holistic-education/ in the mainstream educational system, which would foster better understanding. We need to come out with a blueprint for teaching the essence of God, which is LOVE for greater humanity and not the God that most religions are teaching now…please see: http://www.worldharmonyday.com/whd_sign.php and http://www.worldharmonyday.com/whd_more.php

I don’t know how to put it but when I was young I understood that Capitalism was replacing GOD. For example, they would say BELIEVE IN GOD NO FOOD TO EAT but believe in ‘god’=capitalism we can get a job. So it is a danger for humanity that many cannot see, so if we don’t fight back we cannot prove to the world that capitalism can be evil. This is in fact what my whole journey is all about because in the Capitalist world, they tell you with money you can buy everything including love. BUT YOU CANNOT BUY TRUE LOVE BECAUSE IT RESONATES FROM THE SOUL!

So by walking this journey without money, I am proving that God is with me all the time guiding me and showing me to the path of success. This is the power of spirituality and God even created a new family for me helping me to walk this journey. Don’t you think this is really amazing and do you see what I am driving at? I have to thank my mother because she was the one who said that the young need good examples. If you want to convince them that spirituality is the real deal, then I have to sacrifice my personal life to enable the young to feel God is in me. The example is strong because frankly speaking the things that I have done until now would not have been possible without God’s help. I wish people could love God in the right way and not use God’s name for their own agenda. I was taught by my teacher to love God by striving for greater humanity. Which is the opposite of the evil Zionist Jews destroying our one world to achieve their objective regardless of the loss of human life.
Read more at http://thepoisonappleoftheworld.com/sunflowers-birthday-creaming-speech-for-palestine/


My teacher told us with passion you can make things happen. She said power is not enough but when you add a 'WILL' in front of 'power'- will power, you can make things happen, like William Tales. In short, if you want to be successful you need to have the weapon, PASSION.

Passion Makes the Difference

November 6, 2003

I WAS pleased to read about Chinese High students being given the liberty to pursue their own interests in education ('Chinese High students get more space to grow'; ST, Nov 1).

I have always believed that it is the passion that makes a successful person. It is this quality that sets successful people apart, brings out the creative edge in them and causes them to thrive.

An education system that is too rigid and that dictates what students ought to learn will not produce passionate people interested in life and their studies.

I speak from experience and I believe many others can testify to the fact that what they learnt in school has more often than not left them bored and unmotivated.

The things I pursue passionately and love today - and there are many - have all been cultivated during my time outside formal education.

As I often tell my friends, some of my best years were those spent in polytechnic - not because of what I learnt there, but because I was able to find time outside school to explore my interests.

There is so much more to life than science, maths or business. And that is why I am glad The Chinese High is giving its students a week off every three months to pursue their interests. Indeed, I am sure it will be life-changing for many a student there.

We need to put students back in the centre of education, allowing them to discover their own passion and interests. This can only be positive. This way, we are also acknowledging that students are important, and that education is important in and of itself. We should not always dictate what a student learns just because employers want more of a particular kind of student.

Sure, we need to be pragmatic to a certain extent, but let us also recognise that the purpose of education is not to create 'model' students, as seen through the eyes of the Government and employers.

Allowing students to discover their talents, interests and passions - even if doing so results in them eventually not contributing to the economy the way we would have liked them to - is not an indictment of the education system. Or, at least, it should not be seen as such and it won't be, so long as we get rid of the idea that the preeminent reason for schooling is to produce economically useful people.

Bogota, Colombia
Copyright © 2003 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights reserved.

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