The Realms of Amenra: The Spirituals - Single Elementals (Lunar Land)

30 days ago

Monster #1: Steameow
Name: Diana the Steameow
Element: Cloud
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Natural Equivalent: Tweedle
Name Reference(s): Steam + Meow
BIOS: Diana, otherwise known as the Cloud Cat herself, Steameow was a princess who lived in the realm of clouds and wished to one day rule the Cloud Kingdom, she's a good flyer and fierce fighter, she may be a cloud monster but she can fight like a tiger. When she was young, she was friends with Hoowlomn in Monster School and sometimes duet in music classes. After a couple of years of science classes, she used her powers to create steam-powered machines for projects. Long story short, she's smart, cute, royal, and tough.

Monster #2: Cherubior
Name: Harold Issac the Cherubior
Element: Holy
Gender: Male
Age: 2777 (27 Cherubim Years Old)
Natural Equivlent: Potbelly
BIOS: Harold is a Cherubim spirit who lived in heaven for as long as he can remember. Since the day he was created, he lived for more than a thousand years and has eventually learned the wonders of music so that he can sing, he is also a prophet whom his God sent to spread his word of truth to all the Monster World. He has been through a ton in his adventures to get far but eventually found the land of the holy refuge of monsters, The Haven of Spirits. He met up with the Galaxorian family and shared a congregation with Harold to see what his God's word was. We hope to see what amazing adventures Harold the Cherubior can share with us in his travels.
Name References: Cherubim + Choir

Monster #3: Sylar
Name: Mr. Sylar Galaxiorin "the Sunman" (Sylarphune)
Element: Solar
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Natural Equivalent: Noggin
Name References: Solar + Xylophone + Sun
BIOS: Sylar the Sunman is one of many planetary beings alongside his Wife Miss Luniano and their son, Eclypso the Clipsynthe. Sylar uses the power of the Sun to shed light, and power solar-energy machines. When Sylar and Miss Luniano are on adventures, they use their elemental powers to defeat their enemies and now he brings his new-found knowledge of music putting it to the test. We hope his tunes are "Bright" (get it, because the sun's bright lol. Oh nevermind)

Monster #4: Luminia
Name: Ms. Luminia Galaxiorin "the Moongirl"
Element: Lunar
Gender: Female
Age: 39
Natural Equivalent: Toe Jammer
Name References: Luna + Piano
BIOS: Ms. Luminia Galaxiorin is the Elemental hero of the Moon (or Lunar) and Wife of Sylarphune "Sylar". She uses the moon element to create powerful bright flashes of light to help guide anyone needing it. She also looks after Sylar and their daughter, Eclypso the Clipsynthe. She likes to do piano melodies and add some beauty to the song. She's a proud mother, wife, and survivalist of the night. While she is a being of nighttime, she also likes being out in the sun to get some sunshine to get some healthy energy.

Hey there, it’s been a while since I have made a video well I’ve been busy with my personal life and other stuff like the development of other content as well. I’m also permitted by my father to use his laptops for extra software and game material like Steam, I also was given a Microsoft account so that I could put my stuff and apps in, but that is NOT important right now. Anyway, I want to also give a couple of announcements to make in terms of my content.

1. Edenitus Ensemble is going on Hiatus to re-center its direction of planning.

2. I finally have Lore Forge so that I have the material to make lore and the construction of the world of my creation. Gold Luminance (my brother) gave me that as a suggestion I thought of trying it.

3. I’m replacing the Darkness element with another different element to match the Outer Space, Galaxy and Galactic feel and movement of the Galaxereals class. I’m trying to look for research and ideas from Answers in Genesis (link in the description if you wanna check the site out)
Answers in Genesis (check it out if you want, they have good info on Science in the bible):

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