Thousands of Years of Deception: The Ancient Deep State Descendants Who are still Shaping Our World.

6 months ago

For about 2000 years the main enemy of human development has been the Catholic Church. The stage was set about 5 years after Emperor Nero killed himself with the help of his secretary Epaphroditus. Around the year 72 Josephus published his propaganda works which came to be known as the gospels, Josephus wrote and edited the widely known 4 gospels. These propagandistic texts were paid to be written, paid to be printed and paid to be published by Emperor Vespasian who as Roman general captured the communist extremist wealthy rebel Izus-Manu, later to be called Jesus, and sent him to exile to Britain to Fortress Deva a super-prison exclusively built for him in Chester, England.
The Catholic Church corporation has killed more great minds than any other institution in the last 2000 years, with the number estimated to be around 400,000 great minds assassinated. These assassinated individuals were seen as enemies either because they were translating the Bible into languages that allowed people to read and see the book's inconsistencies or because they were proving with tangible facts that there is much to be discovered in our vast universe. The end of the Catholic Church is set to occur at the beginning of the Aquarius age, which will start in about 150 years between year 2150 and year 2200.
We are still in the age of Pisces. Do not believe the propaganda disseminated by the sociopaths who pretend to own the planet; their goal is to confuse you, as it has been since the beginning of recorded history, starting with the wanna be female androgynous Pharaoh Akhenaten. It is important to point out that the Catholic Church is not the church created by the communist rebel Izus-Manu later called Jesus and this has already been proven by the incredible super researcher Ralph Ellis. What the world knows as the Catholic-Christian Church is the religion crafted and put into action by the Roman Empire-deep-state-leaders mainly Emperor Vespasian right after they averted the collapse of the entire empire which had begun to fragment following the death of Emperor Nero around year 68 of our current age.
General Vespasian defeated the pale skin-red hair Izus-Manu later called Jesus in the battle of Gamala or Gamla around year 70 of our time, the widely known Jesus character was in fact a communist wealthy guerrilla leader who came from his lands located in present-day Syria in between Parthia (also known as Persia) and, the Roman Empire. This guerrilla leader of red hair, was a freemason crossdresser, and had a legion of hired native assassins crossdressers called the Sicarii, whose job was to blend in the crowd to assassinate important members of the Roman Empire. The Jesus dynasty did not succeed in taking over the Roman Empire, the Jesus character was put in a cross for a while and then taken down alive and sent to exile as prisoner to Fortress Deva in England until he died of old age at 93, this punishment was the Roman customary punishment for any rebel who threatened the Pax Romana.
Do not be confused by the fact that Catholic-Christian principles are not useful; they are useful mainly to accomplish what Rome and all leaders from that day to now have needed to secure: the obedience of the general population and the suppression of any rebel uprising.
Since the days of Vespasian, the world has been in constant-conflict, on one site are descendants of Izus-Manu the communist wealthy guerrilla crossdresser rebel versus the Roman Empire-deep-state which after the year 1500 became the modern day Jewish-deep-state. Many of the current red hair European monarchs come from the Izus-Manu communist lineage. And many of the influential Jewish come from the East Roman Empire / Byzantine Empire deep state that completely crumbled about 500 years ago in the year 1453. Additionally, there is the Muslim faction, who in fact are direct descendants of the ultra-radical Jews expelled from Egypt about 3000 years ago and who are now based in what is known as the Middle East.
The Western world is in constant friction because there are two deep state factions in constant skirmishes. One side represents the current w o k e movement who in fact descend from Izus-Manu, known as Jesus. The other deep state faction is run by the deep state Jews. The Muslims are not part of any deep state, the Muslins just finance both sides.
In modern terms, the fight between the Izus-Manu faction, represented by the modern-day Democrats in the United States and their allies worldwide, and the Jewish faction, represented by the modern-day Republicans in the U.S and their allies worldwide, will not produce a winner because both sides are financially broke. Both will ultimately be losers, and the winner takes-all will be the Muslims. They are, in fact, the wealthiest faction now. Keep in mind that the current mess is bound to the West only; none of these factions neither the Izus-Manu nor the Jewish faction have any true power in, oil-mafia-controlled Russia, underworld-mafia-controlled Japan, or ancient-triad-controlled China. For the case of India, it has always been run by the Izus-Manu faction since at least 2000 years ago. The 3 factions noted here are planning the third world war, perhaps they want it to happen in six years at most. Hopefully it will never happen. In the first war, Great Britain had to fall. In the second war the objective was to officially split the western world into two winners, the U.S and the Soviet Union, abolishing Germany as a true power contender, Germany had to be split in two, it was the priority goal. The third war is set to cause the U.S. to fall, though it is not clear if that will be the result. Given its geographical position, the U.S. is the best piece of real estate in the world, so I venture to say that the outcome will likely be the division of the U.S. into three regions: north, south, and west. Thank you.

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