Biden Secretly Ordered To Prepare For Nuclear Threats From China, Russia, and North Korea

5 months ago

08/20/2024 New York Post: In March, President Biden signed off on a highly classified plan that shifts America’s nuclear strategy to prepare for possible coordinated threats between China, Russia, and North Korea. Because the Pentagon believes that China’s nuclear arsenal will rival the US and Russia.
#Biden #NuclearThreats #China #Russia #NorthKorea #NulcearStrategy

08/20/2024 纽约邮报:今年3月,拜登总统签署了一项高度机密计划,该计划改变了美国的核战略,为应对中共国、俄罗斯和朝鲜之间可能出现的协同核威胁做准备。因为五角大楼认为,中共国的核武库将与美国和俄罗斯相匹敌。
#拜登 #核威胁 #中国 #俄罗斯 #朝鲜 #核战略

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