EXCLUSIVE: Ontario man left living in horrendus living conditions after COVID-19 vaccine injury

6 months ago

Newbury, Ontario - Charles Colhoun was a fit, active, and healthy man who worked for Hydro One for most of his life and eventually went on to be a short-haul truck driver. He enjoyed dancing, travelling, and racing cars in his spare time.

In 2021, after receiving two doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, Charles collapsed within two weeks after his second shot and was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with CIDP, an autoimmune disorder that is a chronic, relapsing, paralysing disease that causes inflammation of the peripheral nerves.

To manage his condition, Charles now undergoes weekly blood plasma exchanges to remove autoantibodies from his blood. Shortly after, Charles was also diagnosed with skin cancer and required surgery, which has shown some improvement with treatment.

Charles was forced to quit his job due to his vaccine injury and lost his home, his beloved race car, and virtually all his possessions. Today, he lives in a rundown barn under horrendous living conditions, with no toilet, shower, or running water, and struggles to make ends meet on Canada Pension and Old Age Pension.

Charles applied to the federal government's Vaccine Injury Support Program, which acknowledged a connection between the COVID-19 vaccine and his injury and awarded him only a very small amount of compensation.

A GiveSendGo donation campaign has been launched in hopes of raising enough money to help Charles secure proper living accommodations, such as a motorhome.

You can donate to Charles at the link below.


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