South Park Predictions That SHOCKED The Entire World And Came True ‼️

1 month ago

In one episode, the character Randy goes to ridiculous lengths to get you know what, highlighting the drastic steps people once took. His wife pleads with him to stop risking his health for "just a little bit of cancer," a line that points to the desperate and often funny lengths individuals went to when "grass" was illegal for recreational use.
Back then, only a few places in the United States legally allowed the sale of the green stuff, and that was only for medicinal purposes. This situation was a glimpse into a future where societal attitudes towards marijuana would dramatically change. Sure enough, within a few years, many states across the country began to relax their laws. They not only allowed the medicinal sale of "that" but also opened the doors for its recreational use, selling it in licensed dispensaries without many restrictions.

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