Albertans Might Riot If They Knew The Truth!

6 months ago

It turns out that Alberta Healthcare is less about health than we would expect.
Where exactly is the $24 Billion dollars given yearly to AHS going?
You might be surprised to know that a large portion of that money is being used to fight doctors like Dr. Makis and currently have 500+ lawsuits on the go.
He has roughly calculated that they have wasted nearly $10 million trying to ruin his career, intimidate his family after he refused to a ND of $400,000, to shut him up. There are many whistleblowers that can carob-orate similar stories where AHS has poured money and time into destroying anyone speaking ill of this mafia organization.
Shouldn't they spend all or most of the money for healthcare, on "healthcare"?
How many patients should they be allowed to murder? A few? None?
Danielle Smith seems to be controlled by one or many of these corrupt organizations.
Who is she supposed to be answering to?

We also talked about the recent video with Dr. Mike Yeadon and his claim that “Ivermectin is one of the most violent anti-fertility drugs i’ve ever encountered… unquestionably, at the doses you’re being suggested to take… in studies in rats, rabbits, and limited studies in humans, it reduces the ability to conceive and grow babies to term.”
How convenient is it that just before the psychopaths release their next lockdown, pandemic, must have vaccine, they find another angle to deter free thinking people from trying the nobel awarded Ivermectin.
It seems very conspiratorial to have this come out, from this once trusted figure, just before the powers that be, need to have everyone, living in fear again.

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