God will transform you if you remain patient

1 month ago

that was not the chord i was playing before i started filming
feel like shit? buy some crap (the luxury of living in america)
so much shit you can buy to gaslight yourself
stoned cold cynic cos i pay attention to the world i live in
i guess i just notice what most don't
most don't wanna pull their head outta their asshole
my experience ain't more important than yours
it's actually not making that sound
this is the freedom our ancestors died for
all they do is piss away whatever freedom we have
i guess ag is a beatnik or sumin
i am validated by their confusion or misunderstanding
my harr looks like shit in spite of me washing it
so original to mock schizophrenia
back when i was an alcoholic i didn't wanna do anything but drink so bathing was most definitely OUT
i'm convinced by their behavior
i'd rather be wrong way more if it meant...
chronically explaining myself, sorry bout that
i promise it annoys me waaaaay more than you think it annoys you
these chords are somber n beautiful
people used to tell me that i was the saddest person they ever met
be prepared for the upcoming blizzards
that's how the harp system works
america is nurture running its' course
since this is MY country i can criticize her damnit
the people here ain't resilient in the slightest
they love the fuck outta the system
nothing surprises me, i coulda just said that shit n covered all my bases
this is what chu get damnit
my grey harrs are sparkly!

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