Bio-hacking Your Swimming Pool and Back Yard

5 months ago

How would you incorporate your biohacking facility into your swimming pool and backyard design? Here is an example of just that - a luxurious, but simple, swimming pool with a pavilion dedicated to biohacking, fitness, wellness, and recovery tools. A full squat rack and bench area, yoga mat space, stationary or assualt bike/rower area, cold plunge, and seating area under a full pavilion. Easily incorporate shelving space and other rafter space for hanging additional items such as an inversion swing. Adjacent to the pavilion is access to the Redwood natural cedar barrel sauna. Hop between the sauna, cold plunge, and pool for the ultimate recovery, all within a few feet from your screened in porch!

This project was designed by for a Functional Medicine practitioner and her family in Austin, TX, by Christopher with Austin Pool Designs, 2023.

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