Thursday Bible Life Today Revelation 19 8-22-2024

6 months ago

The Tribulation Period comes to a close in chapter 19 with the return of Christ to defeat His enemies and set up His kingdom. "The marriage of the Lamb has come" is one way the event is described. The New Testament church, absent from the Scriptures since chapter 3 is again brought into focus as she returns with Christ and arrayed in white.
Upon His return riding on a white horse, Christ destroys His enemies with just the words from His mouth.
The beast (antichrist) and the false prophet are thrown alive into the lake of fire.
We read "Alleluia!" four times in the first six verses--the only times that word is found in the New Testament, and it represents the rejoicing in heaven for the return of Christ and the defeat of His enemies.
"Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb" is a tremendous statement about what we might call the great wedding reception that will take place on earth.

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