The Dust Never Settles with Stacey Goodman – GunFreedomRadio EP444 Originally Aired 5.27.24

6 months ago

Our guest today is Stacey Goodman. Stacey is the author of "The Dust Never Settles", which is her true, first-hand account of serving as an emergency responder at ground zero in New York on 9/11.
1) Thank you for your service. Please tell us your story.
I served with the Suffolk County Police Department Long Island, NY for 21 years retiring at the rank of Detective. I had 6 years on when I was activated by a Federal Agency, D.M.O.R.T. ( Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team) which at the time was a volunteer agency under Health & Human Services mostly comprised of medical professionals. My job was as a logistics specialist to assist the Medical Examiner and I since I was sworn in as a temporary federal agent, my responsibility became that of performing preliminary IDs of all remains brought in to the temporary morgue before being transferred to the NYC Medical Examiner’s Office.
I worked 12-hour shifts 7 days a week for 23 days on the pile. I suffer some health issues related to my service at Ground Zero in NYC.
2) What caused you to write “The Dust Never Settles”?
3) You now live in AZ and we met through Women For Gun Rights. One of our mottos is “I am my own first responder.” Having been a professional First Responder, what should citizens know about that kind of responsibility?

Originally Aired 5.27.24

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