Jobs Report Revised DOWNWARD By 818,000 Jobs (LARGEST Negative Jobs Report Revision In 15 YEARS)

1 month ago

Posted • August 21, 2024: As the DNC takes place for the third night on Wednesday, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) will give his speech as the Democrat vice presidential nominee amidst some very bad news for the Biden-Harris administration. New data from earlier in the day released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows a downward revision of 818,000 jobs in the year through March 2024 for nonfarm employment. A report from Bloomberg noted that this "risks fueling concerns that the Federal Reserve is falling further behind the curve to lower interest rates" and that "a downward revision to employment of more than 501,000 would be the largest in 15 years and suggest the labor market has been cooling for longer — and perhaps more so — than originally thought." "THIS IS A HUGE REVISION DOWN": 818K jobs Kamala claimed to have created over the past year aren't actually there — that's 68K FEWER jobs per month. 115K fewer manufacturing jobs. 45K fewer construction jobs. COOKING THE BOOKS! (…)

• More at: Townhall - 'MASSIVE SCANDAL'? Biden-Harris Admin Job Numbers Revised Down by Insane Amount
Twitchy: Must Be REALLY BAD! Biden-Harris Admin Says 'Technical Issues' Delaying Release of Revised Jobs Numbers
Twitchy: Jobs Report Revised DOWNWARD by 818,000 Jobs (LARGEST Negative Jobs Report Revision in FIFTEEN YEARS)
Twitchy: Politico Takes Story About Econ Report Revised Down Over 800k Jobs in a Predictable Direction
Rumble: Cooking The Books! Harris-Biden Administration Fraudulently Manipulated Job Statistics By Almost 1M

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